~ Prologue: Icy Introductions Pt. 5 ~

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~~ Toda's P.O.V ~~

That announcement was very weird, those of all that were already in the lounge started to look around and down the hallways that extended off of them. Everyone was glancing around trying to see if anyone was suddenly making an appearance. I was looking down the hallway that was opposite the one me, Ebina, and Yagi came from, and at the far end of the hallway I could see a door open. I quickly turned everyone's attention to the hallway, as we watched about 10 other people start making their way to us. At first I thought it was my eyes tricking me, but at the forefront of the group was a shorter girl with purple hair tied into two braids. "SISTER!!!!" but I stood confused for a second, as those words did not exit my mouth...someone else had said it and began to run down the hallway to one of the other people. Ame dashed past me and began to run at one of the girls standing next Miki, she almost slammed directly into the poor girl. She had short brown hair and had various bandages all over her body. Miki was about to run at me, but when Ame came crashing into the girl, she turned her concern to the girl and yelled out. "Sakura! Are you okay??" she was concerned, but when the girl (apparently named Sakura) gave a silent thumbs up, Miki came running at me. Her arms wrapped around me in a tight warm hug, and I immediately hugged her back. Most of the people stood confused, except Shinji who was looking at someone in the other group before quickly looking away. I turned back to Miki as she was squeezing me like an anaconda, "I'm so glad you're safe Toda! I was so worried after I woke up and couldn't find you!" I hugged her back twice as strong before finally letter her down. "Do you have any idea where we are? Or even why we're here?" I asked her in confusion, her face showed that she had just as little clue as I did. I sighed and shrugged, "Well, I guess we should all introduce ourselves...that's what that voice said do to at least..." everyone nodded their heads and began to make introductions, taking their turns of talking to one or two at a time. Finally after a while, everyone had gathered everyone's information and we were left standing in the Lounge, still confused. Waiting a few more moments, the static noise could finally be heard. "Hello? Okay I think I got it right this time! Hello everyone! And welcome to your new home!" Everyone began to look at each other, even more confusion on their faces. "Yes, yes I know that there is even more confusion now, but you need to trust me!" Akira spoke up, "How can we even trust you when we cant even see you?" the voice was silent for a long while, causing people to start to murmur again and glance about. "You know what, you're right! You should see you're new headmaster if you're going to believe him!" the static voice clicked off, leaving everyone sitting in silence again. Suddenly, an object dropped from the ceiling, landing with a small dust cloud. Shielding my eyes, I turned away for a brief moment before looking back. Sitting on the floor was now a stuffed animal? It was a fox, only one half was white with the other being the orange you'd expect. Ebina was the first to approach it, about to pick it up before the unexplainable happened. "Hey now! You cant just go touching the Headmaster without permission! Consent is key young man!" Ebina quickly stepped back, shock on his face. The stuffed fox began to stand up, and brush itself off. "Shock is certainly what is going through your heads, but do not fret! I am MonoFox, your Headmaster of the Academy...well Headmaster of the Research Campus that is..." MonoFox turned to the side, seemingly thinking. Using the opportunity, I jumped in to ask the question we were all thinking. "Where are we? What do you want from us? Do you think you can get away with this, people are going go searching for us." MonoFox turned back to us, laughing. "Oh yeah! That's probably something I should tell you, no one is coming for you! They couldn't if they wanted to! AHAHAHAHHAHA" MonoFox began to laugh manically and he hit a button on a remote he suddenly had. The large metal shutters behind him started to lift up revealing our location...ice...nothing but ice...a frozen wasteland of pure ice and snow. Aki yelled out, "Are we in fucking Antarctica???" everyone began to yell and shout at MonoFox, fear taking over their minds. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I get you're confused and worried but let me sweeten the deal even more, let me tell you why you are all here!" MonoFox sat for a moment before finally revealing, "You are all now stuck in a KILLING GAME!!! To escape this place you must kill one of your fellow students and not get caught!" The room fell silent, even fear had been replaced, everyone was in absolute...terror. "Now let me go over the rules, look at the Rules App and follow along!" MonoFox then spent the next few minutes going over the rules.

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