~ Prologue: Icy Introductions Pt. 4 ~

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~~ Miki's P.OV. ~~

I glanced around the storage room, Kamino at my side. The room was much larger than it previously seemed, with shelves reaching up to tremendous heights stacked full of items of all varieties. At first it was just basic survival equipment, but the longer I looked the more...dangerous... items I saw. There were shelves of swords and other weapons, large metal spikes, even an entire machine gun??? But that was on one of the top shelves so I doubt anyone would ever end up grabbing that. I turned to Kamino, who was looking at various glass bottles on one of the lower shelves. "Hey Kamino...does it concern you as much as it does me that there are all these very dangerous weapons here?" I asked while gesturing to the variety of weapons across the many shelves. Before she could even respond, a new voice answered from a few aisles over. "Honestly I think its weirdly exciting! Adds a very mysterious aura to the place." A girl about my height showed herself as she walked over, this room must be much bigger than I knew, as she wasn't alone. In her tow was two other girls, both seemingly much more shy than this frontrunner. "Hiya there! My name is Aiko, Aiko Matsumura! The Ultimate Pastry Chef. And don't worry about introductions, we could hear you from our spot a few aisles over." She smiled as I felt my pocket buzz.

" She smiled as I felt my pocket buzz

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Name: Aiko Matsumura

Age: 19

Height: 5ft 2in

Blood Type: A-

Birthday: May 24th

Likes: sweets, sunshine

Dislikes: negative thoughts, sour candies

Talent: Ultimate Pastry Chef

I smiled in return, "Well its a pleasure to meet you Aiko, what about your friends here? Do they have names?" I tried to get them to speak, but they avoided eye contact and Aiko took the role of introducing them. "This shy girly over here is Sakura Miya, she is the Ultimate Epidemiologist! Which is the study of diseases, viruses, and how they spread across the world! Its such an interesting topic, but she seems to still be in shock from waking up in a weird place, so she hasn't talked much yet! But don't worry, she will open up eventually!"

 "This shy girly over here is Sakura Miya, she is the Ultimate Epidemiologist! Which is the study of diseases, viruses, and how they spread across the world! Its such an interesting topic, but she seems to still be in shock from waking up in a wei...

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