The Phone Call~ Chapter 4

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Hailey's P.O.V

I stand there looking at Jay and decide to bring up marriage again. "I think we should get married, I know I said this before but I think this is the next step in our relationship."  We stand in silence for a few. "Yes." He said. "What?" I asked He holds my hand then gets on one knee. "Hailey Upton. Will you marry me?" He asks smiling. I laugh "Jay you don't have to do that. I already did the proposal part." He laughs. "Well I'm old fashioned ok." I smile with tears in my eyes "Yes, Yes, I will marry you." He gets up then smiles and kisses me. A few hours later we are laying in bed, I'm laying with my head on his chest and arms wrapped around his waist. "When should we have kids, I know we just got engaged but I can't stop thinking about that." I tell him. "Well we could have one after we get married." He says smiling down at me. "I like that idea, but I like the idea even better of us just laying here." "I like that too." 

Jay's P.O.V

The next morning I wake up and go out to the kitchen to start breakfast. When I walk in I see Erin at the island with a cup of coffee. "Morning ." When she doesn't respond I get worried. "Erin you ok?" I ask her grabbing her hand and holding it. "Yeah I'm fine it's just thoughts." She says with a shaky voice. "Erin I've known you for years I know when somethings wrong it's just me here you can tell me, I won't tell anyone." I tell her while hugging her. "It's just that I don't know if anyone will forgive me for leaving ." She says wile letting a few tears roll. "Hey, hey it's ok I forgive you everyone else will to especially Hank." I tell her while wiping her face. After she's calmed down me and her make breakfast together like we used to when we were together. "I remember that one time we decided to make pancakes and you wanted to have a pancake batter fight so we did and then we spent hours cleaning the kitchen." She says while laughing. "That's 5 hours of my life I'll never get back." I say and laugh with her. Just then Hailey walks in. "Good morning." She says while walking in and kissing me. "Morning." I say while smiling and kissing her back. After we all eat and get ready for the day Erin dives us to the district of course her and Hailey made me sit in the back seat. 

Erin's P.O.V

When we walk in the district and up to intelligence I go into Hank's office and ask him about me rejoining the unit. "Kid you've always been a part of the unit even if you weren't here." He says while hugging me and handing me my old badge back. "Thanks Hank." I say while smiling and hugging him. We walk out of his office, and I go sit at the desk next to Jay's. "I see you stole my desk.' I joke with him. "Well it wasn't my decision." He says while laughing. "There will be new partner changes." Hank announces. "Halstead your now partners with Lindsay. Upton your with Ruzek. Atwater you and Burgess." Hank says then walks back in his office. "Looks like we are back to being partners." Jay says. "Ok I know what you are up to so no your not driving the keys stay with me." I tell him seriously. "Whatever you say boss." He says with a smirk. "I mean it Halstead." I say. 

The phone call-  a linstead storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora