The Phone Call ~ Chapter 6

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Hailey's P.O.V 

Later that night Adam drops me off at me and Jay's apartment, he still wasn't home him and Erin stayed after to finish up paperwork, but honestly, I think it was just an excuse for him to get alone time with her. Around 8 o'clock that night they come home. Erin goes straight to bed and Jay walks into our room to go change. "We should talk about earlier." I tell him. He turns around with his shirt off, I can clearly see his muscles and how much they show when he gets angry. "Yea we should." He says walking over not bothering to put on a shirt. "I just wanted to tell you that what happened earlier I only meant to say how I just feel like Erin is slowly trying to take you away from me." I tell him, looking down at the floor and not making eye contact. "Hailey!! What you said back there was rude! Why would I want to marry someone who is rude to my friends!! So, what I let her stay here, it's MY apartment too not just yours!!" He says with his eyes looking like they can burn a hole though anything, with how enraged he was. "Jay I'm sorry and you know that."  I tell him with tears slowly building in my eyes. "You're not though I know damn well by tomorrow morning you'll be mad again because Erin's sitting next to me at breakfast." He says now even more enraged. "You're right. I don't like her because she's stuck up, she thinks that even though she's been gone for 5 YEARS, that everyone just somehow forgives her. But I know I never will, I got her out of the unit for YOU for US, I knew I had potential with you, I just needed to get the one person out of your life who was stopping us." I tell him with full on truth and emotion. "Wait so you're telling me you got the person I was going to marry, the person I LOVED, FIRED, so YOU could have a better chance at dating ME!!!" Jay says with more anger than I've ever seen before. "Thats exactly what I'm saying Jay, she didn't deserve you." I tell him now not crying anymore. "I'M SO DONE HAILEY, YOU CAN NOW CONSIDER US BROKEN UP!! I CAN'T BELEVE YOU!!" He screams, then grabs a pillow and slams the door. I stand there for a few minutes before heading into bed. 

Jay's P.O.V 

That night I end up sleeping out on the couch, around midnight I hear Erin get up and walk out here. "Erin?? Is everything okay?" I ask her concerned that something may have happened. She doesn't respond but instead climbs up by me. I wrap my arms around her holding her, as she lays her head on me. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to come out here by you, I just used to feel so safe just laying with you how we used to." She tells me, I feel her slowly shifting to be more comfortable. "It's alright, I'm here now and I forever will be." I tell her kissing the top of her head. "Thank you." She whispers before drifting off to sleep, soon I fall asleep a few minutes later. 

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