The Phone Call ~ Chapter 10

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~5 Month time jump from engagement~

Wedding day Erin's P.O.V

Today was the official day me and Jay get married. All we been though together this just seems right, it feels real. Maybe in some way it also feels like a dream I mean who leaves the person they are in love with then 5 years later come back and everything feels like it should. In middle of my thoughts Kim walks in with Hank, Trudy, Stella, Gabby, Natalie, and Sylvie. "You look beautiful kid." Hank says. "Thanks." I tell him smiling. I notice a glimpse of tears in his eyes. I hug him and smile. "If it wasn't for you, I don't know where I would be, I probably wouldn't have even of had a chance of meeting Jay" 'You deserve this day and you deserve Halstead, sure at first, I didn't want to accept what was happening because in my eyes you were still that teenager me and Cam adopted. But I learned to accept after you told me, I could just hear Cam saying that your happy and I should happy too." He says and hugs me once more. "Alright let's get you down that aisle before you ruin your make up." Trudy says while wiping my eyes then handing me my flowers. We then line up to walk down the aisle. Kim with Adam, Stella with Kelly, Gabby and Matt, Natile and Will, then Trudy and Mouch, Last Me and Hank. We then walk down the aisle, when I spot Jay, I see him already crying. Hank walks me down and gives me away to Jay. I hug Hank and Jay takes my hands as we smile at each other. We stand there staring at each other with teary eyes as the minister starts the ceremony.  After the vows and the I do's we kiss and are officially Mr. and Mrs. Halstead. Later that night me and Jay are in the hotel room waiting to catch our flight in the morning. He grabs the TV remote and starts scrolling through the channels trying to find something. "You know you're never going to find anything interesting on at 12 in the morning, right?" I ask him knowing he has to be half asleep. "I know that but it's worth a try to at least try and find movie. " He says with a slight laugh. He then turns on the news station and sees a picture of Will in the middle of the tv with the caption "Chicago Med doctor held in FBI custody for holding Panda bear captive in Hospital." It then displays a picture of Will and the panda and other pictures that were taken of the panda. "What else can that idiot do?" Jay says. "At least he made it to the wedding before taking the panda." I tell him while lying next to him. Soon after we both fall asleep before Jay's phone starts ringing. 

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