The Phone Call ~ Chapter 7

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     Jay's P.O.V 

That morning I wake up with Erin next to me. It felt different almost like we had never broken up. The part of my life I was trying to forget was trying to forget was having Hailey date me. I always wanted to be with Erin and now we can get that possibly back just like we used to. "What time is it?" Erin asked while sitting up. "Last time I checked it was 7:30 this morning. " I tell her. "Thats to early." She says while laying her head back down on my chest. "You have to get up at some  point, we do have work." I tell her while laughing.  "But I feel more comfortable laying here with you." Then she slowly starts to fall back asleep. I hold her while adjusting so we are both comfortable. 

Hailey's P.O.V. 

That morning I go out and see Jay and Erin on the couch together. She's clearly asleep on him but he's awake on his phone holding her. "So it took you less than 24 hours to get over our break up and move one with someone else." "First of all me and her aren't dating. Also secondly I want you to move out or I'll move out with Erin. We'll decide later." He says. "I'll move in with Adam after all I did sleep with him when we were together. That's the reason I wanted to marry you. So I could forget about that." I tell him while turning around and walking away. "Hold up Hailey. YOU DID WHAT??" He screams while getting up and moving towards me. "You heard me the first time right. I said I cheated on you. I knew you were still in love with her that's half the reason why I did it. Plus Adam still loves me." I say while looking at him. "So let me get this straight my ex-girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend." He says with a dangerous anger in his voice. "At least Adam wasn't in love with someone else." I tell him while making it obvious to him that I still didn't like the fact that he loved Erin. Just then she wakes up.

Erin's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of Jay and Hailey arguing again. It sounds like he's more mad and she's trying to play innocent with him. "Jay what's going on?" I ask him catching his attention. "It's nothing Er I didn't mean to wake you up." He says while walking away from Hailey. "Why don't we go get ready for work and we'll stop and get breakfast on the way there." He says while sitting my me on the couch. "That sounds like a plan but as long as there's coffee involved I'm down." I tell him while laughing."  He laughs "Coffee is a must." I get up and go get ready for work. Jay goes and does the and 15 minutes later we meet in the living room and walk out to his truck. "Make sure we go to Dunkin Doughnuts." I tell him. "Why that specific Lindsay?" He asks while smiling. "It just sounds good plus we haven't had that in a while." I tell him. "Your right on that." He says while pulling into Dunkin Doughnuts. 

Jay's P.O.V 

After work Hailey moves out and in with Adam. Me and Erin order takeout for dinner since she was too tired to cook and didn't want me to since  last time I burned her steak. "We should turn on a movie." She says while turning Baseball off the tv and turning to Netflix. "Or we could have kept the game on. " I tell her while bringing her takeout box to her and sitting down. "Aw poor baby, plus the Cubs were down 12 to 0 so the possibility of them winning was very slim." She laughs while taking her food.  "You are right on that I tell her. After we eat we clean up and finish the movie. About an hour later we are both asleep on the couch.

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