4. Spy Games

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A/N: Early chapter! Just want to start off by saying this is not my best chapter, it's also the shortest one by far. Not really proud of this one but I'd like to blame that on stress in my personal life and my rush get this done on time since i'm not going to be able to post on friday much less on thursday, I promise the next ones going to be better. Nevertheless thank you for all the support.

You all had found the royal merchant but not the gold, the ship was wrecked at the bottom of the ocean but no treasure. All that trouble and for nothing. To make matters worse when docking your boat in your backyard, walking into your home the social worker, Cheryl, sitting on your couch, and a cop standing in the middle of your kitchen with impassive faces. The urge to flee was overwhelming though you knew you should try to see if you and John B could talk your way out of whatever this was first.

By the look of it, this wasn't going to be like how it was when you were sitting in her office. 

"You know Cheryl, it's kind of a bad time for a check-in." John sets down his book bag and box of cereal on the dining table. 

"Not a check-in, we're here to take you, the both of you." She emphasizes as if you weren't aware. 

You walk slowly towards John B, glaring at her in shock "Today?"

"It's just for a few weeks until your hearing," she says. That does not make you feel any better. 

"No, no, no. Cheryl look, we're not going to foster care okay?" Your voice is in a slight panic. "We are not gonna go be a part of your little system," You say raising two fingers in quotations.

The cop in your kitchen walks up behind you, Cheryl introduces him "Y/N, John B, this is Deputy Thomas." John B stands up from his chair, you back up with him clutching the sleeve of his jacket. "He works with juveniles for the sheriff's department." 

Cheryl rises from her seat at the couch, "Look, I know Uncle T is down in Mississippi working at a casino. He hasn't been here in months," John B scoffs to playoff disbelief then tries to run.

"No, see that's my nightmare right there." He runs a hand through his hair, pacing. "Look, I-I want emancipation." 

"Emancipation from who? There's nobody here but you, and your sister." 

"Asylum, then?" You ask

"On what grounds?"

"On--on solid grounds, on holy grounds, whatever fricking grounds that'll get us out of this!" You speak frantically. 

"Look, this feels like we're being really prosecuted right now by you and-- especially Mr. Big Head over here, what are you looking at, bro? what're you gonna do, you gonna tase me?" John B shuffles to run again. You stay behind waiting to see what the cop does when John B throws cereal on his face and the cop pounces, wrapping John B in a headlock. 

"He didn't do anything, Cheryl, Call your dog off!" You yell, your brother was being wrestled by a man way bigger than him. "Let him go, he's a minor! In case you forgot why you're here in the first place!" 

"That's enough" She shouts, then says in a calm voice "Relax, John."

You wish you could do what the cop did to John B to Cheryl with the way she speaks to you both. 

"Fine, we're going," John B conceded "Let's go pack our stuff Y/N," He motions for you to go to your room. 

You roll your eyes huffing, you take out an old bookbag you had under your bed and pack an extra pair of clothes, your book, the stuffed animal your dad won you at a county fair so many years ago, and JJ's hoodie he left since winter. 

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