12. The Heist

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There was no winning in life. Not for a Pogue. After following Gavin to his meeting spot with Ward, Pope was able to record the meeting securing the original evidence you came for and then some. Ward had murdered Gavin with the same gun that Rafe had killed Peterkin. He shot Gavin twice and lost the gun down a sewage drain. Pope had gotten enough footage to put Ward away for life. And then Kiara just had to open her mouth at the most inconvenient moment. Ward was searching for the gun when Kie screamed the word Murderer. JJ was quick to cover her mouth but you had never felt angrier at her. Ward heard her yelling and notified him of your presence. 

You all had to climb down the roof from the metal ladder in a rush, Pope, then JJ, then Kie who stepped on JJ's hand and fell on top of Pope who had dropped the camera and destroyed the evidence. Once you had climbed down and saw what had happened you couldn't even think to speak to Kie without going off on her. 

Once you had all made it safely in the car JJ shouted, "Can someone fill me in on what the frick just happened!"

"They-they were fighting over a gun!" Pope stuttered, still in shock.

"The murder weapon of course-" JJ paused at the sound of a phone dialing. Kiara was on her phone waiting on someone to pick up, "Who are you calling?" he asked.

"Who do you think?"

"The cops?" You exclaimed. 

"Who else am I supposed to call?"

"Why the fuck would you call the police? that is the worst people to call at the moment!" You yell at her with wide eyes. Kiara had to have lost her freaking mind. 

"The cops are like calling Ward!" JJ and Pope both agreed and protested but it was too late. Kie had already notified them of your location. You all had pressured Kie into driving away from the scene to which she sped off.

The police sent over two cop cars, the newly instated chief of police ignoring all the details you four had to give on the crime you had just witnessed. Kie pointed at the exact spot where Gavin was keeled over and slumped dead after Ward had shot him. "This is where that maniac claimed his next victim!"

"Uh-huh, His next victim?" Shoupe's tone did not sound the least bit convinced, "Right. How long ago did you say it happened?" 

"Forty-five minutes ago, Shoupe," JJ said.

"And so, Ward Cameron just popped one-off and shot him." 

"Yes," You spoke though you weren't entirely sure you should considering Ward was still your legal guardian and you had no idea if your being here was legal. 

"Execution style? And then cleaned it all up in 45 minutes?" Shoupe by his expression was definitely not taking this seriously. But you still gave him a "Yeah," for confirmation. 

"We filmed the entire thing," Kiara told him.

"You filmed it?"

"Yes, but we can't show it to you because I stepped on JJ's hand and then he kicked Pope, and then Pope dropped the camera cause' it's a piece of shit and it broke," She tried to explain.

Pope cut in, "This is a telephoto, and we needed to get a long-distance and I fell and it broke so the video is basically unusable, but w-we were there and-" 

"So the dog ate your homework?" Shoupe did nothing to ease any of your nerves that were eager to just scream, yell whatever it took for him to believe what actually happened. 

"No, Shoupe. I know how it sounds--" Kie beseeched him. 

"I don't know what you kids expect me to do with this, you drag me out here in the middle of the night for a whole lot of nothing except for some crazy stories about how Ward Cameron's out on a random killing spree." Shoupe waved his hands about while he spoke, If you were him you wouldn't believe you guys either, however, he did take it out of context.

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