Chapter One

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Casey had just gotten back from Grocery Shopping, some blood dripping from his hand. He had just gotten in a fight with a Villain outside of the apartment complex, and won. He knocked them out and left them for the Pros.
He quietly put the groceries away, waving a hello to April.
April had waved back, focused on a map. She had circled many places the Turtles could be, hoping that they would be able to find them.
April missed their fun-loving and chaotic energy, and majorly missed hanging out with her nerdy friend, Donnie. She groaned in frustration, rubbing her temples.
She hadn't slept in four days, a coffee machine making more. She sipped from her cold coffee next to her as she continued to work.
"You don't have to find them, you know. You're already running off of no sleep and almost twelve coffees a day. They'll come back when their ready, April." Casey said, finishing putting the groceries away.
"No they won't." April countered, glancing at Casey. "They won't come back, we've gotta find them ourselves."
Casey sighed. He knew there was no use in arguing against his best friend.

After a few hours, April finally put the map away. "I'm going out." She said blankly, grabbing a backpack full of stuff. She wasn't simply going out, she had a few ideas of where Mikey and/or Donnie were.
"Just be careful. Got into a fight with some guy just outside." Casey warned. "I'll be careful, Casey." She walked out of their room and out of the apartment building.
Even though their relationship didn't work out, she was thankful he was still around. Through the now even busier and louder than ever before streets of New York City, April made her way east on her bike.
Recently, everything in New York had gotten both better and worse. The buildings were now taller and more durable, and much brighter. The only bad things about it is that there were now more places to hide dead bodies and villains. She herself had found two a few years ago, both two members of the Mutanimals.

She shuddered thinking about their bodies as she made her way out to the forest.
Once there, she dropped her bike and inhaled deeply. She assumed Mikey was somewhere out there. She had to find him first. And thus the start of her new adventure as she walked into the dark and deranged forest of New York.


Authors Note

This is my first time actually actually writing and publishing a story, so I'm sorry if this isn't the best! I hope you guys enjoy this 👍

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