Chapter six

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As he looked over his cards, he could hear the crowd around them mumbling to each other in suspension. A smirk formed on his face, glancing up at the other three players.

All diamonds, he had ace, king, queen, jack and a ten.

His smile spread wider as he dropped the cards on his turn. "Read em and weep, boys."

Cries and shouts of both dismay and victory came from the crowd around the table, the people and mutants walking away or patting Raphael on the back.
"Good game. See you all next week." He stood, adjusting the tie on his suit. He grabbed the suitcase of five thousand dollars and walked away, a smug look on his face.

Another day, another dollar.

As he walked out of the casino, he nodded respectively to a group of guys walking in. He headed towards the hotel he stayed at, not to far from the large casino. He also realized it was dawn. He'd been playing all night.

Raphael was widely known here in the L.A, Nevada area for his playing skills. Ever since he came down here a nearly ten years ago, he was quickly known a feared by those who placed bets on the card games played. Another thing he was known for was how quickly he could go from respectful and calm to downright dirty with anger. He was a main cause of many fights, yet somehow he was never seen in the middle of any of them. He was always off in the sidelines, watching with a mischievous smile. The scars on his body came from thugs who thought they could rob him on the streets or anywhere really, yet they always ended up mangled to the point of hospitalization.

He nodded to the receptionist as he entered the elevator to his private suite. Once the elevator dinged, he stepped into his room, inhaling the sweet lemony scent. Reminded him of the time he accendently sprayed lemon juice into Donnie's eyes.

He chuckled at the memory, setting the suitcase down on the table. As one memory appeared, more followed. The time he went Savage, the time they fought the Kraang, all of it. He smiled sadly at the memories, silently hoping he would be able to see at least one of his brothers again before the world ended.

Raph sat down at the edge of the pool in his suite, staring at the clear-blue water.
"AI, play my show." He said, standing. He headed over to the couch and sat down.

As Supernatural came on, he realized he was on the episode about the four horsemen. He leaned forward, interested in how the show portrayed each of them.

It seemed Death was portrayed as a tall guy, nothing but skin and bones in a tux.
Famine was a old man in a wheelchair, eating the souls of others.
Pestilence was pictured as an old guy with snot pouring out of his nose, flys around him and horribly sick. Raphael had groaned in disgust at the sight.
War though, War was made out to be a normal father wracking havoc in a small town.

To Raph, the horseman of War in his universe, this was more than a little disappointing. At the very least, War in supernatural could've been a taller and more buff guy.

As he watched the next episode, he slowly fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was dark once more. The red masked turtle grabbed a "Do Not Disturb" sign and put it on his door handle.
Turning around, he gave a smile and headed out, going to the roof. Once there, he stretched and rolled up his sleeves.

It was a dark, cloudless and cool night. Perfect for running around, in his opinion. He inhaled and exhaled, and began running.

Memories of running with his brothers played in his mind, reminding him how much fun it was to go for nighttime adventures.

The stars glistened in the sky, like fireflies. The cars in the streets zoomed past, going in the opposite direction he was. They were like little mice from his point of view.
The lights from the casinos and arenas and stages everywhere danced and flickered in the night, lighting up the city.

As he ran, he heard a lady scream.

Raph's instincts kicked in, and he beelined for the scream. As he got closer, he could hear pleas and cries of mercy.
He allowed his eyes to glaze over, making them into thin slits as he glared. As he approached, he saw two teenagers getting harassed by a large group of guys.
Without hesitation, he dropped down, landing crouched. He stood, the ends of his mask over his shoulder.
He glared down at the group, himself being nearly 6'11.

"Move it, freak!" The largest of the group said, waddling over infront of the rest of the rest of them.

Raphael kept silent, putting an arm out infront of the teens.

"You asked for it!" The guy yelled, run-waddling at Raph with a fist raised.

Raphael spun and kicked the human in his chest, sending him flying back. "Fuck off." He said, putting his foot down.

One of the other guys looked from their boss to Raph, anger in his face. "Hey! No one does that to the boss!" He yelled, running at Raph.

The turtle rolled his eyes, pulling out one of his sai from his belt. He dodged casually and elbowed the guy in the back, forcing him to fall to the ground.

All of the guys from the group yelled and lunged for Raph.

Thanks to years of extra training and fighting as a teen, he dodged nearly all of them, punching and hitting them into the ground. He yelled at the teens to go, looking down at the guys.

As they stood up, Raphael smiled and cracked his neck.

Now this would be fun.

He lunged at them, a cocky smile spread on his face.

He stabbed, kicked and punched, knocking out and harming many of the members.
He snapped one's neck, then threw the body at a few of the guys. He jumped at them and kicked them down. Now fueled by blood-thirst, he slit their throats with one swipe. His smile only widened when the blood splashed on his face, his glazed eyes filled with glee.
He looked behind him at the last three members of the gang, and began approaching them. He pinned one to the ground as the other two ran.

"W-what even are you?!" The pinned guy yelled, his eyes round with fear.

"Your worst nightmare, kid." He growled, raising the sai. He dug it into the guys arm, twisting the sharp-sided blade.
The guy screamed in pain. Oh, music to his ears! He stood, yanking the knife out. He watched as the gang member ran, blood flooding from his arm.

Coming to his senses, Raph groaned in disgust at the blood over his suit and face. He climbed back onto the rooftops, returning to the hotel.

Once there, he took of his clothes and headed to the shower, realizing he had been cut along the leg. Raph sighed, turning on the water. Once it was the right temperature, he stepped in.

He calmed down as the blood was washed from his body, closing his eyes as water dripped down him.

He couldn't help himself when things got bloody.

TMNT(2018/2012) Horsemen AUWhere stories live. Discover now