Chapter 7

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By now, he, his brother and April were all back at the lair.

Mikey was laid on a bean bag, eyes closed. He listened to Leo and April talk in the kitchen.

"We can't just look for them without a plan, April." He heard his brother say, sounding aggravated.

"Plan for what? Them attacking us? Leo, their your brothers! They wouldn't hurt us." April said, clearly sipping from a cup.

"One of is War, the other is Pestilence." Leo sounded annoyed.

"One is Raph, the other is Donnie." April replied, sounding equally annoyed.

"April, we don't know if they'll hurt us. We have to at least think of an tactic to make sure they don't attack." Mikey heard Leo messing with things, then he heard writing.

Mikey got sick of listening to them. He buried his face in the bean bag, bored. It was as if nothing changed, besides the occasional yelling from Raph's room and explosions from Donnie's lab.

After a few minutes, he stood up with a groan. He may be 20, but he didn't take care of himself enough.
"I'm going out, I'll be back in a bit!" He shouted to Leo and April. He sighed when they didn't respond, grabbing his old skateboard. He grabbed a tpod from Donnie's room. It was old but in pretty good condition.

He put in headphones, listening to his music as he hopped in his skateboard and rode through the sewers. He thought about alot of things.

He zoned out, going forwards. He slowed down after about a minute, coming to a stop. After who knows how long, he snapped back into focus. He looked around, blinking.
He was in a large area, the center blocked off thanks to the large gaping hole in the floor.
Intrigued, he stepped off his skateboard and took the headphones out. He peeked down the hole, it darker than the abyss.

"Hellooo!" He called down, his voice echoing off the walls. He smiled mischievously and began calling random things down the hole.

After a few minutes, he had an idea.

Didn't Donnie keep explosives in his lab?

Mikey jumped on his skateboard and rushed back to the Lair, smiling like a child. Once there, he ran over to Donnie's old lab.
He began moving things, looking for anything labeled explosive.
He looked in a corner of the room at a box, his eyes sparkling with glee like a kid in a candy shop.

After grabbing the stuff and going back to the hole, he set the box down and grabbed a hand grenade out of it.
"Fire in the hole!" He shouted, yanking the pin out of the grenade and tossing it down, ducking in cover.

There was a splash, then a muffled boom.

He frowned. Not the BOOM he was expecting. Grabbing a stick of dynamite, he searched the box for a lighter or matches.

After a bit of trying out different explosives, he began getting bored. He grabbed a large thing of C4.
He smiled and threw it down. He watched down the hole, expecting a huge explosion.
There wasn't one.

Mikey got disappointed, frowning. There was large splashing and Mikey spun around to see Leo and April running to him.

"What was that?" Leo yelled, staring at Mikey with anger and disbelief.

"Er... Uh, well they were bombs. I expected it to go BOOM!" The orange masked turtle said, opening his arms to emphasize the boom.

"That was C4. You need a detonator for that. IT DOESN'T GO BOOM- EXPLODE ON IMPACT." Leo facepalmed, clearly upset with his brother.

"Well what did you want me to do! You guys were doing nothing but talking about plans and stuff, I was bored!" He tried to defend himself, crossing his arms in anger.

"Michelangelo, when you're bored, you don't grab explosives and throw them down a random hole." Leo muttered something under his breath, grabbing the box.

"You guys never let me have any fun." Mikey grumbled, stepping onto his skateboard. "If I can't help or do anything, I'm leaving." He said loud and clear.

"Wha- no, Mikey!" Leo shouted after his younger brother, now clearly regretting his harsh tone.

Mikey could feel his brother and April's eyes digging into him as he sped away. If he couldn't help or enjoy himself, he didn't want to be around them.

After a few hours, he began getting tired. In his drowsiness, he didn't hear a loud clang as something followed him.
He tripped over a rock, falling onto his face. He groaned, getting up. He didn't want to leave the sewers just yet, he planned on going back to Leo and April in about a day.

He yawned, hid eyelids drooping. He could just fall asleep here.

That is, if something didn't happen.
He heard large clanging and flipped away, dodging getting hit in the back of the head by something. As he looked up, he clenched his jaw in fear.

Kraang Droids.

I wrote this a 4 in the morning, I apologize it's horrible ✋

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