Chapter three

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Leo sat alone by a tree, sitting against the trunk. He had slept there the night before, but couldn't find it in himself to get up and move around. After the incident that happened not to long ago, it had been hard for Leo to do anything.
He had gotten into a fight with another mutant the day before. It somehow knew his name, and almost all of his fighting moves.
As they fought, it began speaking about his brothers, and Splinter. It had said something about none of them ever caring for him, never wanting him as a brother. It messed with his mental health and image, leading to the wound on his side.
Sighing, he knew he had to get up. If he didn't move, who knows what would find him. He stood, the wound in his side stabbing through his body with pain. He winced, but began moving. He could feel every the blood pounding in his side with every step he took. He knew how fatal it was if he didn't get new bandages soon.
Leo made his way further into the small town, heading for the first gas station he saw. Luckily, he had just enough money to get something to eat and a small med pack. He grabbed both and went to the cashier.

"Not your best day, huh friend?" The guy at the register asked, making small talk as he ringed up the prices.

Leo chuckled. "Definitely not my worst day, either." Getting the price, he had a few cents left over. He put it in the spare change container of the store and got his stuff. He thanked the cashier and left.

The only plus with his God-Quirk was, if he wanted to kill someone and allow them to pass to next life, he had to touch them with the palm of his hand. But the issue is, that was only for his hands. If he touched someone with any other part of his body, he would kill them instantly. No one ever really touched his legs or shell, so it didn't matter to much to him.

As he made his way to behind the store, he became aware someone was watching him. Acting like he didn't he didn't know, he took off his jacket and bandage.
The damage was bad. The wound was black with infection, the blood sticky and between a solid and liquid state. The wound dug pretty deep.

Leo looked at it and groaned in disgust. He tossed his bloody bandages aside and replaced them with the new ones, white as snow. He threw his jacket back on and grabbed the box in the bag that had his food. Of course, it was a large slice of pizza.

Something chittered, sounding hungry. There were about eight or nine yellow eyes watching Leo from the shadows. It came closer, revealing was a mutant tarantula. It was skinny, the abdomen small.

Leo, feeling empathy for the poor mutant, ripped off the crust and tossed it to the mutant. He chuckled as it bounced in happiness as it ate, the happy little dance the highlight of his day so far.

The tarantula came closer and sat next to him, sharing it's warmth in the cold area.

Thankful but hesitant, Leo put an arm on it and scratched it's head. It wasn't every day you got another mutant to be nice to you.

After a few minutes, he got up. He knew he couldn't stay long, knowing if he did something bad would happen. As he walked, he glaced behind him.
The mutant followed quietly, staying a few feet back.
Leo smiled as he turned forwards again. At least he wouldn't be alone on his travels. His wound still hurt, but not as much as before.
He returned to the forest, going back to the tree he slept at. Leo had left his backpack there, just in case. Checking in it, his mind blanked and he forgot what he was looking for. He shrugged, putting it on. He looked at the mutant that followed him, and held his hand out.
Timidly, the tarantula approached. It pinched at his hand, checking if he was a danger to it. Once realizing Leo was safe, it chittered in playfulness, spinning.

Leo chuckled at his new friends actions. "I'll call you... Harley." Sure, it was a random name out of no where, but it would do.
The mutant tarantula, now named Harley, bounced in agreement.
Nodding, Leo got up and began walking further north. He didn't want to chance being seen by anyone, and planned to move closer to Canada.

But, just as in the past, nothing would be that easy.
Something stepped infront of Leo from behind a tree, a large dog mutant. He glared down at Leo, a nasty scowl on his face. It's crooked yellow teeth were sharp.
Harley hid, scared.
Leo stopped and glared at the mutant. "May I help you?"

"Gimme ya valuables, kid." He growled, crossing his arms.

Leo's squinted at this dog mutant, unbothered. He shook his head no, keeping silent. He took out a large knife out of his pocket, showing that he was armed.

"Ah, ya wanna play, huh?" He sneered, cracking his neck. "I'll play." He ran at Leo, teeth and nails bared.

Leo jumped out of the way, slashing at the mutants arm. He dodged a few more times, not wanting to harm the dog mutant to much.

Frustrated, the dog mutant howled at the sky. Suddenly, more dog mutants came from the shadows.

"Great..." Leo thought, sighing. He tried to dodge as many as he could. His tactic failed.

They all jumped at him, claws and teeth bared. They scratched at him and bit, their claws and teeth sharp.

Leo yelled out in pain, trying to hit them away. His eyes widened as he watched them beginning to foam from the mouth and drop dead, his God-Quirk affecting the enemies.
Within minutes, almost all of the mutants had died. All but one scrawny guy, shaking.

Leo stood, breathing heavily. "Get before the same happens to you." He pointed the knife at the guy and watched him run off.
Out of breath, he sat by a tree. He didn't have the energy to clean off his bleeding wounds. He closed his eyes as the sun set, ready to sleep. He felt Harley lay against his side as he drifted into the calming darkness.

He woke abruptly to someone shaking him awake. His instincts kicking in, he jumped and punched whoever it was in the face, kicking them back.

"OW! What the fuck!?" An eerily familiar voice cried out, muffled by something.

"Huh?.." Leo rubbed his eyes, opening them to see who he punched. His eyes widened, seeing who it was.

I'm not the best story writer, sorry about how bad the fight is! I'm working on improving it all.

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