Chapter two

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Mikey had isolated himself in an old farmhouse, no where near any people.

After reading up about the for Horsemen, he knew he was very dangerous to be around. He would make people either starve to death or make them eat until their stomach exploded. Thankfully, it didn't effect his brothers, only people who were within an eight foot radius.
He was currently taking his daily walk around the lake nearby his place, taking in his surroundings. He wore a large orange hoodie, the hood usually up, and a set of board shorts. The board shorts just gave him comfort, and made him feel more humane. He sat at the bank of the lake, the water softly lapping at his toes.
Mikey giggled, wiggling them. He may have a God-Quirk, but he still liked to act like a child. Hearing a branch crack behind him, he jumped up and stood with hostility. Only when he looked he realized it was nothing more than a rabbit going back to its burrow. Feeling silly, he sat back down with a smile.
Mikey thought about his brothers, wondering how they were doing. After the Mutagen Bomb, all of their T-phones had self destructed, so he had no way of contacting virtually anyone he knew.
He began to feel hungry himself and decided to go back home. He stood, putting his hood on walked. He put his hands behind his head as he did, making himself look bigger against any bears that wanted to fight.

Once back to the farmhouse, he walked into the kitchen. He rummaged through his rations, abd grabbed a small baggie of chips. He sat at the table and quietly ate them, reading more about the four horsemen. He'd read the book dozens of times already, but he found it very interesting.

--- War would be considered many things, but none would've ever thought it was once a peaceful entity. There are many gods of War, but only one Horseman of it. War never really got the understanding of Peace, and always started Wars between anything living. It loved the chaos, responsible for many wars and many mores Death's. War always kept to itself why it liked the chaos, never showing its full intentions. In deals, the Horseman always changed the terms at the last second, forcing chaos to be brought. Peace and harmony disgusted it, making it physically sick. It caused mass chaos when it was bored or didn't get what it wanted. War was once described as a Peaceful god that was betrayed, hence the turnover to the chaotic side. Many don't know much about War, because they soon die after meeting it. ---

He turned the page, finishing his chips.
--- Death wasn't the most dangerous of the Four Horsemen, but was definitely the worst to come in contact with, as many say. But Death was also a very kind entity, disliking taking those who live from their family. Death usually could be seen in the form of a one eyed cat or person following someone just moments before their doom. Sometimes, Death even stopped the persons fate. Death, before the first signs of life, had isolated itself from all the other Gods in fear of harming them. The God of Death changed from time to time, the very first Death being Osiris. Death was also regarded as the god of transition, regeneration, and resurrection. And while it was the god of death according to Egyptian mythology, it was often described as the Lord of Love in ancient times.---

Mikey turned the page again, now reading about his God-Quirk.

--- Famine. The Hunger Horseman. Some say it was a hungry god. Some say it was starving. Famine itself was insatiable, no matter how much it ate. It's nearly impossible to be around this horseman, unless you are another Horseman or immune to hunger. Around Famine, the person would either starve themselves of eat to much, driving the to the point of then dying. Whether it was intentional or not, Famine had always affected the world. Famine was never considered a nice or merciful god. It killed and wreaked havoc across every plan of existence, no matter the cost. It never cared about anything other than it's siblings, and very hardly ever cared about love or being in a relationship. Famine was once the most dangerous Horseman, second to Pestilence. Famine usually had taken the form of a small, candy eating child or an old, skinny hag. There were very few instances of someone ever surviving Famine. ---

On the next page, there was very little about Pestilence due to the page being torn out by its original owner. Mikey closed the book and put it away. It always upset him that he was the second most dangerous to be around, and supposedly very merciless.

He wasn't like that... right?

There was a loud thud just outside, causing Mikey to jump. He hid in the shadows, his instincts kicking in.

"Dammit, ow!"
The girl's voice sounded familiar somehow, but he wouldn't take any chances. He went to the farthest corner of the house, hiding in the shadows.
Someone walked in, a red-headed girl with a yellow jacket on. She walked around, calling out his name softly. "Mikey? Are you here?"
He didn't know how she knew his name, and he didn't want to know. Allowing his eyes to glaze over to white, he crept up behind the girl from the shadows. Standing as tall as he could, he pushed her into the ground, pinning her to the ground.
The girl yelled in pain and surprise.

"Let go of me, creep!" She yelled, struggling against Mikey's weight.

"Don't call me a creep, home invader." He picked the girl up by her arm, turning her towards him. Recognizing her, he let her arm go. "Wait, April?"

She looked at Mikey in confusion then relief. "Oh thank god I found you!" She smiled, clearly tired.
Mikey blinked in confusion as to why she had come here.

"What are you even doing here? I left for a reason!" He didn't really know if he affected April and Casey or not, but he didn't want to take chances.

"I can't live without my favorite mutants, can I?" April joked. She kept a smile on her face, happy she found Mikey.

"You could but- Ah who am I kidding, I missed you!" He gave his friend a hug, happy to see her again.
April gave him a hug back, a smile plastered on her face. "It's been forever!"

"Tell me about it." Mikey scoffed, letting go. It's been nearly 10 years. "What are you doing here for real though? We split for a reason." As much as he hated to admit it, he kind of liked it. Being alone without people to boss him around, to judge him, it felt nice.

April sighed. She seemed hesitant to say anything. "We need the team back together."

Mikey was confused. "Why?"
"The Kraang are back. They're trying to bring back Shredder and mutate everyone again." She explained, her voice and expression full of concern.

All Mikey could muster was a "huh?". He didn't expect that. More thoughts flooded his mind. What about his brothers? How would they defeat the Kraang and Shredder again? How could they even try?

"Mikey, calm down. You look like you're about to panic." April tried to defuse a bomb before it exploded, afraid her turtle friend may leave again.

Michelangelo took a deep breath in and let it out. "Alright. So what you're telling me is that the Kraang are back, trying to mutate New York again, and they're bringing back the Shredder?" He dumbed it down mostly for himself, but he needed confirmation.

April nodded, afraid that that's exactly what's happening. "I didn't tell Casey because if he did, he'd want to go after the Kraang now. I don't even know where they are!" In all truthfulness, she had a few ideas but she wanted to get all of the turtles first.

Her plan was to find his brothers. Simple enough, right? Wrong. Given the fact Raph had the God-Quirk of War, he could isolate himself a chaotic place so people didn't get suspicious. Las Vegas or somewhere near it.
Donnie would've isolated himself, as to make sure he didn't kill anyone with the sickness he could spread. But he found it hard to be alone completely. So he'd probably be in a less dense area of the New York State.
Leo was death, so he'd hide away from any contact with anything living. Massachusetts didn't have many people on it's borders, so that seemed logical to guess.
Mikey had to agree, but how would they get from New York to L.A?
"We'll worry about that later. Let's try to get Donnie or Leo first, okay? Raph's a tough turtle, he'll be fine." April said, rolling up the map and putting it back in her pocket. "Can you please come with me?"
Mikey thought. He wanted to find his brothers, but he was dangerous to be around. Memories flooded him. Of his brothers, of what they'd gone through together. All of it. He blinked and looked at April with determination.
"Let's go get my brothers."

Authors Note
Sorry it's a little long, not all of them are like this! Do expect longer chapters as the story goes on though.

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