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Evans. She's all I think about really. Her beautiful scarlet red hair, her enchanting green eyes, her witty personality, her beautiful smile that I see from afar, her intelligent, her amazing abilities and skills in classes, and most importantly, the way she has hope for everything. I just want her to be mine. But she has a mind of her own and I can't force her to fall in love with me. That's not how love works. I should know, I didn't ask to fall in love with Evans but I did. But honestly, that "love" is starting to fade, all the harsh rejections I got from her, all the insults, hexes and her occasionally scoffing at me for absolutely no reason, it shows that she doesn't care about how hard I've thought about her, different ways to get her, all the things I've done for her. I'm done, honestly, done. The way Lily slowly got more harsher over the years, I can't handle any more.


The corridors of the castle were quiet, I walked down it alone, Sirius was supposed to be with me but he stayed behind at the hospital wing because apparently Remus got into a fight with someone, he was with Peter anyways. Didn't know he had it in him honestly, Remus I mean. I spotted someone else walking down the halls, I knew her as Lily Evans, she's my classmate, and crush. I don't know how it happened honestly, I found her to be amazing and now I've only been thinking about her.

"Hey Evans," I greeted, she cocked her eyebrows upwards and stopped in her tracks. She faced me as I approached her.

"I like what you did to your hair today, it looks nice," I softly told, I don't give compliments to anyone so it's awkward. But it's the truth, Lily had it in a messy bun with a couple of strands left out in the front.

"Is that another one of your stupid insults that I wouldn't get?" Lily harshly asked, she shoved me aside and walked away. I'll admit, that hurts.


It was rowdy, the quidditch game between Slytherin and Ravenclaw were crazy. I mean, a house that won't give up and a house that's incredibly smart. I don't know how either one of them is going to win but I'm all for it. Sirius and I shouted at the top of our lungs, we were cheering for Ravenclaw, Remus and Pettigrew were cheering as well but not as loudly as Sirius and I of course.

"Come on Timothy!" Sirius yelled, I bursted out laughing at that because Timothy's real name was Jimmy, but Sirius, him and I have a friendship where it's mostly banters so it's okay.

"His name is Jimmy," Lily told, clearly annoyed with Sirius.

"Chill Evans, we know," Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Then why do you-,"

"Evans, Jimmy and us, we have a special bond where it's mostly banters, like us when I ask you out-,"

"What we have is not a banter, I just don't like you," Lily harshly snapped. Ouch.

"Whatever, Jimmy and us have a banter, he's chill with it," I brushed it off but honestly that hurt.


"Leave him alone Snivellus," I laughed, Snape glared at me annoyed, he was just picking on Peter when he was alone until Sirius and I showed up.

"Potter, always find it necessary to stick your nose in where it doesn't belong?" Snape growled,

"Well, as much as I hate smelling you, I have to if it involves you picking on one of my best mate," I smirked, Sirius burst out laughing, Peter bit his lips to not laugh.

"Leave him alone!" Lily shouted as she showed up out of nowhere.

"It's okay Lily, they're just being childish," Snape told.

"Evans, look, I was just-,"

"I don't care what you were doing, but stop making fun of Severus, honestly, it's like you have nothing better to do," Lily snapped.

"Evans let him explain," Sirius tried.

"No, because all that comes out of your mouths are rubbish garbage, it's quite annoying really!" Lily scoffed. I forced myself to not frown at that or look hurt.

"Fine whatever, c'mon Peter, Sirius," I shrugged, I quickly walked away from Evans and Snape.

Present time - Hogwarts Express

I sat in The Marauders' usual compartment on the Hogwarts Express, awaiting for the rest of the boys' arrival. One by one, they arrived, Sirius was first, of course, next came Peter then finally Remus came along.

"Marauders, I have an announcement, some of you may be happy, some of you may not be," I spoke, the boys stared at me with a confused look, and dare I say, anticipation.

"Look, this isn't going to be easy for me, I've spent the last three years trying to get on Evans' good side, y'know and have her go on dates with me but, let's face it, she's never going to fall for me, she's a person of her own. So I've decided to give up. Y'know move on, so, good news, we don't have to do anything stupid for her this year," I announced. Sirius, Remus and Peter now stared at me with a concerned look.

"You sure about this?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, I just, I can't handle being rejected any more, it hurts guys, even if I don't show it, it does," I told.

So there we go. No more trying to get Evans.

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