Chapter 9

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The morning blizzard blew through the late November afternoon. November was slowly turning into the month of winter, James and Regulus had gotten a lot closer since the whole library thing during the night of Halloween. They ended up staying at the library until five thirty in the morning, without moving, they just talked. Lately, the boys would sometimes sit on the ground of library with James sitting on Regulus or the other way around. They've gotten much more comfortable around each other.

Despite the boys needing to keep this a secret, they found it practically impossible to ignore each other in the halls, they would do something subtle like wink, or smile or whatever that nobody else would notice. Today however, the school was abuzz with excitement and bets. There was a huge quidditch game between Slytherin and Gryffindor. James was a wreck, he had to compete with Regulus, he wanted to win but he didn't want to hurt Regulus. So there he was pacing around is the Gryffindor's change room.

"James," a voice whispered, James looked around and got confused. Then a head popped out of a curtain. It was Regulus. James grinned happily and ran over to him, he wrapped the younger boy in a hug.

"Regulus, what are you doing here?" James asked, the question wasn't in a confused tone, it was in a happy tone and honestly, relieved.

"I came here to talk, look, this game, it's going to be brutal-,"

"Yeah," James laughed,

"As I was saying, the game's going to be brutal, so how about this, we act as if we don't know each other, like before, but after the game, we forget about the things we did, yeah?" Regulus suggested.

"Agreed," James muttered. Regulus nodded his head and hugged James once again. He looked at James and smiled, with that he walked away. "Good luck, you'll need it,".

"So will you," Regulus smirked. James chuckled as the latter disappeared into the Slytherin change room. The raven haired boy peered back into his change room, and there was nobody in sight. James creeped back inside just as the rest of the team showed up.

"Alright team, this game is a big one, it's the first game of the season, and it's against the slimy Slytherins, we need to win the game," Derek announced. James felt the need to tell him that not all Slytherin were slimy but he didn't. The team gathered together in a huddle and rooted for one and another before yelling 'Gryffindor'. James made sure his hand wouldn't touch Derek.

The team stood in two lines, awaiting for the door to open. They mounted their brooms, and waited for the light to shine on them. Once the door opened, they kicked off the ground and flew sky high into the quidditch pitch. James managed to spot Regulus in the air and send him a wink which Regulus shook his head at. James hovered in the middle of the pitch, he was one of the chaser, Regulus hovered away from the circle, he was a seeker.

The cheers was loud, it covered the sound of the referee but James enjoyed every minute of it. Remus was sitting in the commentary booth, where he was going to announce the games. Sirius and Peter was cheering him on along with the rest of the Gryffindor house.

"Let the games begin!" Remus shouted, the cheering got louder as the Quaffle, the bludgers, and the snitch flew up into the air. Derek sought out of the snitch along with Regulus while James snatched the Quaffle first.

The game went on for a while, the score was currently up to 120 from Slytherin's house, while for the Gryffindor's house got 110. James was currently zooming through the Slytherin players and dodging the bludgers without a Quaffle in his hand. James couldn't help but glance over at Regulus who was hovering in the air glaring at the sky looking for the snitch, the cold air blew wind through Regulus' hair, making it swift a bit. James smiled to himself and continued to play but then he heard a yell and Regulus had been hit by a bludger. Without thinking or hesitation, James flew toward the younger boy who was falling through the sky, it looks like he had already blacked out.

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