Chapter 13

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~ Regulus Black ~

Three weeks had passed since school begun again after break. I've tried talking to James lately, but he just ignored me, I figured it was because of my brother, Lupin and Pettigrew but when I caught him alone, he didn't even acknowledge my existence, that threw me off. I didn't know what I did wrong, but it was something. It was early in the morning so I figured I would head down to breakfast early so I got ready by taking a shower, putting on my school robe and styled my hair. I slowly made my way to the great hall, and when I opened the door I was met with a loud clang and something hitting my head.

"No! That was for Snivellus," I heard, no doubt it was James. I blew air which caused some gooey stuff to come off me but not entirely. I heard some laughs. I wiped my eyes so I could see and I saw James laughing along with the boys. Now I seriously think he's mad at me or something. I swung around and headed back to the dungeon.

"Regulus, what happened," Dirk asked as he approached me,

"Just my stupid brother and his idiotic friend," I muttered angrily.

"They're idiots, I'll grab you some breakfast if you want," Dirk offered,

"No thanks, I don't want to waste your time," I smiled. "Thanks anyways,".

"See ya," Dirk waved, I waved back and ran back to my room where I had to redo my whole morning process. I headed over to the greenhouse where my first class was, but before I reached outside, James and the boys walked inside. I moved to the side so I wouldn't hit James but instead he hit me on the shoulder with his.

"Watch it Black," James told, I stood frozen and stared at James. He turned the corner and I felt rage, he came running back and he grinned at me. "Hey Regulus,".

"What? First Black now Regulus? Wasn't this morning prank good enough for you?" I snapped.

"W-what?" James stammered.

"Don't play stupid, if you don't want to be friends at least say it!" I yelled,

"B-but I want to be fri-,"

"No you don't, Potter, do me a favour and fuck off," I seethed. I swung on my heels and stormed out of the castle leaving James behind. I heard him say 'Regulus, wait what did I do,'. I ignored him obviously and headed down to the greenhouse where we learned about plants. I zoned out most of the class because I was fuming and I couldn't focus and it was stupid really. When class ended I headed to my charms class, where I had Ravenclaws as my classmate, that includes Pandora.

"Hey, haven't seen you since winter break started," Pandora said.

"Yeah sorry, how was your break?" I asked guiltily.

"Amazing! Xenophilius' parents loves me! We get on really well!" Pandora gushed, I warmly smiled at the girl who's gushing about her winter break. "Enough about me, how was your winter break?".

"I- uh, it was okay," I muttered.

"Did you and Potter get to hang out?" Pandora asked.

"Yep," I gritted.

"Was it bad?" Pandora asked with a worried expression.

"N-no, it was great, I actually had fun," I angrily said.

"Then what's wrong?" Pandora wondered.

"We had fun, we talked like we were friends, we hung out everyday for three weeks, and all of the sudden after break he stopped talking to me, and he called me Black instead of Regulus, I don't even know what I did," I explained.

"What!? Why would he do that?" Pandora asked with a furious expression on her face.

"I don't know," I shrugged with a frown.

"He's an idiot," Pandora rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, he is," I said.

"Alright students, today, we'll be focusing on powerful spells to use in battles," Professor Flitwick announced, I turned my attention from Pandora to the professor. The class I learned about battle strategies. Not like they're any use anyways. I can't use them against anybody I know, not my brother, not my parents, not my house mates, not anyone.

So what I was learning today, was pointless. I could manage the spells and I could cast them, but I was bored also. Except for the part when Pandora 'accidentally' hurt Lockhart with one of the spells. Pandora used Deprimo which created a hole underneath Lockhart then it made him fall through the ground hitting the floor underneath this floor. Which was around fifteen feet high. So Lockhart was sent to the hospital wing when he said he broke his wrist. The class ended leaving Pandora and I wandering through the corridors and laughing about Lockhart until we reached the Great hall.

"Ow my wrist," Pandora mocked, I let a laugh out at the girl. "I'm telling you, he deserved it,".

"I don't disagree," I laughed, Pandora snickered. Before we reached the Great hall-

"Regulus!" I heard, my amusement faded and I rolled my eyes and Pandora looked behind us then she gave me an awkward look.

"It's Potter," she whispered.

"I know," I muttered with a blank expression.

"Please, let me talk to you," James begged. I nodded my head to the Great hall, telling Pandora to go ahead. So she did, she left me alone with James. I turned around and approached the glasses wearing boy.

"No," I said.

"Please, just- tell me what I did to make you mad," James begged.

"No," I repeated.



"Why not,"

"Because I said so,"

"Regulus I don't know what I did,"

"You know what you did,"

"I don't,"

"The stunt you pulled this morning, you didn't even care! The only thing you cared about was the fact that I wasn't Severus. And the 'watch it Black' thing? What the bloody hell was that?" I questioned.

"That never happened," James denied.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to Dirk, he saw me after the whole bucket thing," I cocked my eyebrows.

"Regulus I don't know why you're mad but if you say it's because of that then maybe you were imagining it, honestly, I didn't do those things," James said.

"Good acting, you should be an actor," I spat and with that I walked through the doors of the Great hall.

"You alright?" Dirk asked as I sat down.

"M' fine," I muttered.

"Okay," Dirk said, the food was already on the table so I gauged myself in the food in front of me. I'm done helping James, I'm done with him. If he can't accept the things he did and apologize for it then I don't want to talk to him.

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