Chapter 3

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~ James Potter ~

I laid motionless on my bed, attempting to trick the boys that I was asleep, I had to meet Regulus in the library in thirty minutes, and Sirius, and Peter was still awake. Remus had already turned in, he's exhausted from the pranks today.

"I'm going to head in, good night Pads," Peter yawned, I heard him walk across the room to get to his bed,

"Yeah me too, good night Pete," Sirius told. I waited for at least fifteen minutes until I figured that they were fast asleep already. Slowly, I rolled off my bed, landing on the ground with my feet quietly as possible. I reached underneath my pillow and pulled out the Marauders' Map.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," I whispered with my wand, as the inks started to appear, I changed out of my red and gold silk pyjamas and into my robes, without my robe, so I was just in my plain white buttoned up long sleeved shirt with my black pants with a black leather belt, along with my Gryffindor tie around my neck. I brought along the invisibility cloak too, just in case if Filch wakes up from his sleep earlier than expected. I heard some rustling behind me, I jerked my head around me, there was only Sirius' bed, he seemed to be sleeping.

"Sirius? You awake?" I murmured, I was hoping that he isn't, "thank merlin,". I hurriedly left the room before taking another risk and wake the other boys up. When I arrived down at the common room, I found Lily sleeping with Derek, they were just cuddled up with a blanket around them, actually the blanket was more on Derek than Lily, it seemed like he was hogging it but I wasn't going to assume anything. I shook my head and rushed out of the house and headed to the library, after attempting to escape peeves, successfully because I had the cloak.

Before I entered the library I casted on the map using - "Mischief managed,", the inklings, the drawings and words all slowly faded until the parchment was blank. I hid it under the invisibility cloak. I put it near the exit of the library. I rushed into the library with uttermost hurry, I'm already twenty minutes late. Madam Pinch was nowhere to be seen, nor was Filch the whole time I was running around the school.

I found Regulus sitting in the same spot as the previous day. This time he wore his robe properly, and he sat formally. His green and silver tie was tied properly and clearly tightly, he sat up on his chair, his back against the wall of it, his robe was clearly neatly ironed. I heard his feet tap against the floorboard of the library. His mesmerizing ink black eyes scanned the lines of the book that was in his hands, but as soon as he heard me walk closer, he looked up, he had a small grin playing on his face.

"I was starting to think that this was another one of your pranks that my brother set you up with to make me stay up all night waiting," Regulus told. I gave him a small smile.

"I wouldn't do that, cause I really want Evans, and I'm not that mean, if I want to be," I sighed, I sat down across the table of Regulus, he gave me a simple grin.

"Good, cause I have some Ravenclaw friends who wouldn't mind hexing you after your last prank," Regulus smirked,

"I have Remus as my defender," I smirked back, he let out a laugh.

"Alright, that's fair, but you can't be around Lupin all the time, that's when I'll get ya," Regulus teased. I chuckled at his attempt of scaring me. He laughed as well.

"Alright then remind me to not get on your bad side," I jokingly told.

"Yeah I'll do that," Regulus played along.

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