Chapter 8

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~ James Potter ~

The corridors were decorated with pumpkins, along with black and orange papers that was hexed to stick against the walls. I entered the great hall where I came across many students wearing their costumes, I was wearing mine- I wore an ocean blue buttoned up long-sleeved shirt that was tucked into my black trousers. The shirt however had only three buttoned that was buttoned, the other four was unbuttoned. My hair was gelled to look a bit more stylish than messy. I replaced my glasses with a black squared rimmed glasses so that way it looks more... vampirey than y'know, me. I wore a sleek black tie that was tied loosely around my neck just like my normal ties. My skin was a bit paler than usual, and I hexed my teeth to look like a vampire's teeth.

Sirius was dressed as Filch, he had grey hair that he charmed, along with a pointy nose that he got some first years muggleborn to make, in exchange for half of his Halloween candies but I know he's going to give the kid 5% of his candies. He slouched his shoulders, and in his hand was a lantern that was unlit. Sirius got Peter to dress up like Ms. Norris, he wore a fur coat that was in the colour of orange and brown, he also wore some kitty slippers that they bought in Hogsmeade along with a rolled up towel that they hexed to stick on Peter's leather belt. Remus was dressed up as an elegant dinosaur. It was a dare so he had to dress up as a T-Rex and have a bow around his neck along with fancy shoes and ripped trousers.

The boys and I sat down at the Gryffindor table and I could see some girls staring at me, a few were laughing about Sirius' costume, we saw Filch today, let's just say that he wasn't happy about the gesture. I glanced over to see what Lily, she didn't wear a costume, she just wore her school uniform, which wasn't a surprise, she doesn't do Halloween, she did for a while but stopped like two years ago because she said and I quote 'Halloweens are for children,'. It didn't matte though, Halloween was the boys and mine's favourite day of the year because we get to make fun of anyone by dressing up like them! Lily's friends didn't dress up either but the way they're glancing at everyone it's obvious that they want to. I moved my eyes away from Lily and scanned the Slytherin table for Regulus.

"James, what are you looking for?" Remus asked, he was sitting next to me, Sirius and Peter were across the table.

"I'm just looking at the costumes," I muttered, Remus nodded his head, I could tell that he seemed a bit confused about something but he didn't pressure the questions, instead he went back to his conversation with Sirius and Peter. The Great hall door opened up and in came a boy, the boy I was looking for. He wasn't wearing a costume, like he said, and he walked over to the Slytherin table. Regulus glanced around the room as he sat next to a few of his Slytherin classmates. The doors opened up again and then came Snape, like the rest of the Slytherins, he wasn't wearing any costume. Just boring normal school outfits.

"Terrifying costume Snivellus!" Sirius shouted, Snape looked over at us and glared at us. I laughed as I shoved some food into my mouth.

"James don't encourage him, and Sirius, stop it," Remus sighed, Sirius rolled his eyes and turned his attention away from Snape and focused back on us. I glanced over at Regulus once again while drinking my juice and he was staring at me with a smirk, he bit his lips and sent me an obvious wink, I spat out my juice and started to cough vigorously.

"James- are you okay?" Sirius asked, he was clearly worried, I looked up from my plate which now had my drink all over it and stared at Regulus who was trying so hard to not laugh. Sirius tried to follow my gaze but I looked away quickly.

"I'm okay, just uh- went down the wrong pipe," I lied. Sirius nodded his head slowly as possible then calmed down. I avoided to look at Regulus because I didn't want the boys busting me on all of this. Peter and Remus immediately went back to their argument-

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