Chapter 19

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~ James Potter ~

~ I was slammed onto my bed, and pinned down by the guy I liked very much, we locked lips as the rain pattered slightly on the window. I felt Regulus slide his tongue on my lips I parted my lips with a moan, next thing I knew we were exploring each other's mouths, fighting for dominance. Regulus won by far and continued to explore my lips. One by one pieces of our clothes was slowly tossed into a pile on the floor leaving us in only our boxers, we were making out still when I felt his hand slide down from my chest to my slowly hardening erection. He gripped on it for a bit, making it harden faster. I let a moan slip through my lips, and bit Regulus' bottom lip. Regulus pulled away and began to kiss down my body until the tip of my boxers.

"R-Reg," I stammered. The boy looked at me through his eyelashes, his ink black eyes signalled that he was all for it. If he keeps looking at me like that, this will be over way quicker than it's supposed to. Slowly he bit the hem of my boxers while keeping eye contact and pulled it slightly down very slowly. ~

I groaned as I slowly peered my eyes open, the early morning light shone through my curtain. I looked around my bed, I was alone, I checked under the sheets, I was wearing clothes. I recollected what happened last night,

Alright, I am done with homework. Finally.

"Monny, I'm done, ha, told you I could do it myself," I proudly spoke.

"Congratulations, now do all of your homeworks yourself from now on," Remus smirked. I blankly stared at Remus.

"Nah," I shook my head. Sirius started to laugh while Peter sniggered.

"Great, another high but low grade comin' up for you," Remus declared.

"You know me so well Remus!" I cooed. Remus rolled his eyes while laughing.

So Regulus and I didn't- but then that means... I had a sex dream about Regulus. Oh merlin. How can I make that sound better um, I had a sex dream about my best mate's little brother. Nope even worse! I quickly scrambled out of my bed and found myself changing into my school robe without a hitch of problems, except that I found my boxers to be wet.

I poked my head out of my curtains, looking around, it was way early so the boys were asleep, I grabbed my bag and quietly left the dorm room. I walked down the stairs until I arrived at the common room.

"James Potter finally awake early instead of late, that's a first," I heard, I laughed when I saw who it was. Frank.

"Very funny," I sarcastically laughed, the boy chuckled as he didn't make a move to get off the couch. "Going to breakfast?".

"No, I'm waiting for Alice, I'll meet you there," Frank smiled.

"Oh," I teasingly said.

"Shut up," Frank blushed, I snickered while walking out of the portrait.

"Wear protection," I shouted before fully exiting the portrait. I was left alone once again to think about things. So I had a sex dream about Regulus. It happens to everybody. Well, I- it's just weird because it never happened with Lily in my dream before. I walked down the corridors and I was still thinking about the reasons why I basically had an erotic dream about my best mate's little brother.

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