Chapter 5

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~ James Potter ~

Three weeks had gone by, and Regulus and I met up every night, we kept brainstorming ideas, but nothing was good enough, but honestly it was fun hanging out with Regulus. It was a bit weird, most of these nights Peeves was missing, most of these nights, Filch could've busted us but he always got distracted by what? I don't know. Tonight was a bit more difficult to get to the library, due to the fact that Sirius, Peter and Remus was still awake at around two-thirty in the morning and I had half an hour left to get them to go to sleep, and I honestly don't think I'll make it.

"No! Moony, it doesn't work like that, you can't just cheat on this!" Sirius scolded,

"How am I cheating!?" Remus quizzed,

"Y-you're using the voodoo thing in your head to answer that!" Sirius accused.

"You mean my brain? I'm not allowed to use my brain, the only reason why I can talk and walk, I'm not allowed to use it?" Remus dryly asked.

"Yep," Sirius agreed. I burst out in fits of laughter with Peter.

"You're an idiot," Remus declared.

"That's because I don't use my brain, I don't cheat in these type of things," Sirius sassily answered. They continued to argue as I looked around the room to find something to get myself out of this room without raising suspicion. Food!

"I'm hungry, I didn't get enough food at dinner, so I'm going to the kitchens," I announced.

"Alright," Sirius shrugged, Remus and Peter nodded their heads. I reached into my trunk and pulled out the invisibility cloak and the map.

"Don't wait up for me," I told in a joking tone but I actually meant it, can't have them wondering why I was gone for an hour and a half. I left the room and put on my cloak, and I walked down to the common room. I found Marlene, Lily and Alice sitting together on the couch, Lily was softly sobbing, and Marlene was comforting her, and so was Alice. Wonder where Derek was at.

"It's okay Lils, he's a jerk, so is Snape, they both are," Alice soothed.

"I just- I don't get it girls," Lily cried. I didn't feel like it's my place to listen in their conversation so I quietly made my way to the portrait and opened it. The girls jerked their heads over to the portrait, I stood frozen under my invisibility cloak.

"H-how is that- who's there!?" Marlene asked. I knew it was time to go when she stood up, I ran out and shut the portrait door. It opened up and Marlene came out with Alice and Lily. They looked around the corridor, the amount of times they looked through me is surprising. I quietly walked backwards to avoid the girls.

"T-that was weird," Alice muttered, Marlene hummed in response.

"Billy boggart," Lily trembly spoke, the girls went back inside the common room. I let out a huge relief of air, ran to the direction of the library. Peeves were nowhere to be seen and that made me a little suspicious but I kept going until I arrived at the doors of the library. I placed the map under the invisibility cloak and placed it next to the doors inside the library so nobody else could take it. I walked to the end of the library to our usual table and Regulus was there but he wasn't wearing his green robe, instead he wore the same thing I did, white buttoned up shirt, black pants, and our house tie. His black hair was slicked back neatly, to be honest, I could see why he got a lot of dates.

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