Chapter 26: Decisions ✔

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"14:45, only 15 more minutes to go, "Emily mumbled under her breath.

"Hon, what's going on?" Anna asked next to Emily, causing her to jump.

"Nothing," Emily replied, folding her arms across her chest, looking everywhere but at Anna. She hated lying to her foster mom. She wished she could tell her foster parents about that morning, but she couldn't. Afraid that would just put them in danger. 

"Honey, you are as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof."

"I am just tired and looking forward to having some time off," Emily lied again.

"Ben asked if you want to come over tomorrow afternoon for lunch?"

"Sorry, I kind of have plans with Alistar," Emily said, blushing.

"I thought the date didn't go well. Where is the hunk?" Anna asked, all smiles looking around the diner to see if she could see him.

"He is still busy with work things" Emily looked at the booth with the three friends. They were all looking back at her, smiling. "These are some friends of his, and they are waiting for me to finish work so we can go to his house and watch some movies."

Taking Emily's arm, Anna led her to the booth "Honey, don't be shy. Introduce me to your new friends." Emily smiled at herself, placing her arm around Anna's shoulders. She knew Anna was doing her protective momma bear thing and only wanted to meet them to make sure Emily was safe with them. "Guys, I want to introduce you to my mom, Anna. Anna. These are my friends: Angelo, Gregory, and Michael." 

Michael stood up, taking Anna's hand. "Very nice to meet you, Anna. I can see where Emily gets her good looks from." 

"Oh Honey," Anna laughed, "You are a damn good liar, but I'll take it" Turning to Emily, "if your tables are finished, why don't you go. It was very nice to meet all of you. Call me later? And if you need anything just let me know. "

"Thanks, mom," Emily said, kissing Anna's cheek before rushing off to get her things from her locker.

Gregory, Angelo, and Emily went home in Angelo's car while Michael was sent to run some errands. Stopping in front of the house, Emily noted a strange black car parked in front of the garage. Before she could open the car door, Gregory's hand grabbed her arm and stopped her from getting out. "Just quickly give me a minute," Gregory said before mind linking with Alistar. 

After a moment, he continued, "Alistar is quickly in a meeting with someone. They are in his office. Let's go inside. Do you want to go to your room to relax a bit?" 

Angelo looked at Gregory and asked, "Witch?" 

"Witch," he confirmed. Gregory knew Angelo's feelings about witches "Take Emily up to her room. She is about to leave" 

Emily asked Angelo as they got out of the car, "What do you mean, witch?"

Angelo pulled a face. "I will tell you in the room," placing his hand on Emily's back, leading her inside to Alistar's room. "Ok, what the hell is going on? Is there a real-life witch in the study?" She asked the moment the bedroom door was closed behind them.

"Unfortunately, yes," Angelo confirmed, "Alistar is desperate to find out why Paul was able to hide from us so long. We found some herbs and things in that room where you were held and at Paul's house. Now we just need to find out if and how they were used against us. And if not, what spell was used to cover his tracks." Sitting on one of the chairs in the room, Angelo turned to Emily and continued, "Usually, Nicole dealt with anything that had to do with potions and witches, but as she isn't here anymore, Alistar had to do it himself. We normally try not to use them as they only look out for themselves" After a while, Angelo stood up and walked to the door. "Thank goodness, she left."

"I will be down in a minute. I just quickly need to freshen up." 

"Ok, I will let Alistar know, and Ems, we are all very happy that you are here. If you need anything, please let us know." Closing the door behind him, Angelo left, leaving Emily to stand in the middle of the room, looking around at the room she was to share with Alistar and feeling both excited and scared. In a very short time, Emily went from not liking kissing to living with Alistar craving him like she craved her morning coffee. Her emotions scared her more than finding out Alistar was a 600year old vampire. 

Shaking her head, Emily walked into the bathroom, deciding to take a quick shower before going down. Standing underneath the water, Emily let her mind wander for the first time that day. Closing her eyes, the only thing she could see was Britney's body lying on her bed and her dead eyes staring at nothing. Emily sat down in the shower with a sob, her knees pulled up with her arms wrapped around them. She did not like Britney, but she didn't think she deserved to die. Crying, Emily rocked herself back and forth. Feeling like she should have tried harder to get Britney to understand Luther was dangerous.

Emily was not sure how long she sat crying when Alistar found her. 

Alistar was busy talking with Gregory and Angelo downstairs in the kitchen about what he had learned about the herbs that were found in Paul's possession. Wanting to give Emily some privacy to unpack and settle when Michael returned from his errand to the private blood bank. They needed to see when the blood used in Emily's apartment was purchased and who bought it. 

"Where is Emily?" Michael asked, looking around the kitchen, putting down the shopping bags he had in his hand. Not waiting for an answer, he turned to Alistar. "I think you should go check on her. I am concerned. She has been taking today too well. I think she might be in shock." 

Alistar hadn't even listened to the rest of Michael's sentence before he rushed up the stairs and stormed into the room he now shared with Emily. Hearing the shower running, he smiled to himself. Knocking on the bathroom door, his smile faded as he got no answer. Listening closely, he heard Emily softly crying. Walking into the bathroom, Alaster scanned the room, not seeing her at first, before he found her sitting in a small ball, crying in the shower. Alistar swore loudly before he turned off the now cold water.

Emily looked up, trying to say something when she saw him in front of her, but no words came out. Alistar picked up Emily as one would a child, not caring about his clothes getting wet. Holding her tightly, taking a towel, he placed it around her shoulders. Emily was starting to shake from the cold. Walking out the bedroom door, he walked down the stairs to his study, where a fire was burning. Sitting on one of the chairs facing the flames, he began to rub her back, speaking softly, allowing her to cry until she had no more tears. Emily fell asleep in his arms, holding on to Alistar for dear life. 

"Is Emily ok?" Gregory asked after a while through their mind link. 

"I think so. Can you please bring me a blanket? I don't want to move." 

Walking into the study, Gregory handed Alistar the blanket, who made sure she was covered before speaking again, "Gregory, what am I doing?" Alistar asked, concerned.

"What do you mean, my friend?" Gregory looked concerned.

"I have no idea how to be in a relationship, especially with a human. If Michael didn't come in and ask about Emily, I wouldn't have gone to find her, and I can't even go to her in the damn sunlight when she needs me."  

"Alistar, you haven't been in a serious relationship for over 600 years. It's going to take some work and getting used to it. Having Emily here is doing you a world of good, in my honest opinion. Before you decide or do anything, think about the last 600 years, then think about the next couple of years. Do you want to spend them without Emily?"

"I don't know, the last two days almost broke me and I can't imagine waking up and not having Emily there. But what about the future? Will she want to be turned and give up everything she knows? I will be happy loving her for the rest of her human life if she"ll have me. But can I rob her of having a normal life with a husband to grow old with and kids and grandkids?" Alistar stared at the young woman in his arms, holding her a bit tighter. 

Gregory stood up and walked to the fire. Turning around, he looked at Alistar. "What do you want to do?"

"I wonder if I should wipe her memory, it's going to be a bit more difficult to keep her safe, but maybe it's best if we do it from afar."

"Whatever you think is best, we will stand by you." 

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