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Lydia was sitting in her room when there was a knock on the door. She was supposed to hangout with her best friend today but he was busy in the Netherworld at the moment. She answered the door seeing guards and was confused they said "are you Lydia Deetz???" She nodded saying "yes what do you guys need???" They grabbed her handcuffing her saying "Lydia Deetz daughter of Charles and maleficent you are order to be sent to the isle of the lost by King Beast." She struggled saying "excuse me what??? Daughter of who??? Daddy!!!" She sees her dad saying "hey let her go my brother and I had an agreement." Lydia struggled against the men saying "Daddy what is going on..." he looked at his daughter saying "I'm sorry Lydia I had to keep something from you for your own protection. Emily wasn't your mom. Your mom is villain Maleficent she put a spell on me and mad me cheat on your mom. My brother King Adam of Auradon and I had a agreement they Emily and I would raised you here and for you not to find out who you truly are." He gently pushed his daughter black hair behind her ear saying "who the order this." The lead guard looked at him saying "this is from the king himself...." Lydia sighed gently mumbling "I understand why you didn't tell me daddy...a child of one of the most evil villains out there..." he looked at him saying "I'll talked with Adam okay we will get you off the isle I promised this has to be a mistake." She nodded saying "Daddy, Delia don't tell BJ please...I don't want him to view me any differently." He nodded saying "of course dear we will just say your were taken and we are trying to get you back..." she nodded saying "thank you..." he looked at her saying "we will get you back I promise." She nodded and they took Lydia out of the house this was going to be the longest year of the 16 year old life. Full of abuse and other villains kids beating her up luckily her sister and her friends will have her back and give pay back if they messed with her....

The strange and usual girl Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now