Chapter 8

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Lydia waited as her monster appeared and when he did he had a huge smile on his face and kissed her on the lips. She giggled pushing him away saying "Not that I don't want to kissed you and it not that it wasn't good but we aren't alone." He looks around and blushed saying "A little warning would have been nice babes." She giggles saying "Sorry..." she ran her fingers through her hair saying "anyways we called you because we wanted to fill you in on the plan." BJ nods saying "yeah sounds good Babes." She looks over and she could basically see Evie fangirling and she rolled her eyes. Mal and the other filled BJ In on the plan. Lydia was standing next to her hand he gently grabs her hand. She was squeezed this back hoping that this would work. When they were done BJ said "well I got it." He looks at Lyds saying "call me Later okay babes??" She smiled at him saying "okay..." and he disappears her friends looked at her confuse and she said "what??" Jay looks at her saying "so when do that happened??" She laughed and said "before he said that he wanted in." Mal looked at her saying "oh...and you didn't tell us because..." she looked at her sister saying "you guys are on a need to know basis I don't think my relationship with BJ is something you guys need to know." Mal raised a eyebrow at her sister's response saying "is that why you won't tell us what happened with you and him??" She rolled her eyes saying "listen as much as we are friends we are only here for our parents. If they didn't want anything we would still be stuck on that god forsaken isle. So yeah I'm sorry that I don't want to tell you everything about my past life and my relationship with BJ." Lydia knew that her their parents won Lydia's happiness and freedom would be over. She sighed gently saying "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to snapped." Mal jumped in saying "no you did. You don't want to do this?" She looked at them saying "do you guys really want to do this. Evie you are smart and beautiful, Jay your athletic, Carlos you now love animals especially dogs. Mal I can see it in your eye your falling for Ben. You guys can write you own fate you don't have to follow your parents. Just because your parents are evil doesn't automatically make you that. Guys we can be so much better." Mal Finally snapped saying "Lydia BellaTrix Stop!!!" Here eyes turn green and Lydia flinches she looks her dead in the eyes saying "don't do this then. It's clear you aren't one of us. You never have and you never will be." Lydia sighed saying "yeah your right. I should go." That when Evie Jumped in saying "Lydia." She put on a fake smile saying "No Mal right I don't want to do this and I am not one of you guys. But you know why I am? Because you guys had my back on the isle and I have yours." With that Lydia left the room. Leaving the VKs where speechless. Lydia made it to her dorm and she collapsed on her bed and she looked up saying "Am I making the right decision mama??" That when she heard a voice saying "I think what you are doing is incredibly stupid. But that just me." She sat up and saw her demon and she looks at him saying "You haven't seen them this entire time I have." He looked at her saying "Lydia they were raised by their parents." She looks at him saying "yes they were. And you know better then I do that doesn't mean that they have to be their parents. I have met you mother." The demon grabbed her arm saying "Lydia give up." She looks at him saying "Betelgeuse you know that I am to stubborn to do that. Plus they are my friends. There is good in them I know there is." BJ looked at her deep grey eyes and he sighed gently and pulled her into a hug saying "How do you know that this is going to work." She hugged him back saying "I don't...but we both know that people always have a choice even if it doesn't feel like it." He pulls away saying "My Lydia Deetz...Always seeing the good in people." He kissed her head gently and said "You know you could scared them a little bit." BJ smirked saying "A little payback for saying you don't belong." Lydia laughed saying "but in all seriousness don't actually scared them just intimate them a little. Your probably not going to intimate Mal though she fearless." BJ rubs his hands together saying "I take that as a challenged. But you have to make looked like you didn't send me their." She giggles saying "Oh yeah I go in and drag you out in the middle and apologized she winked at him and he laughed disappearing BJ then appeared behind everyone as they seemed to be arguing about something and BJ smirked then crossed him arms putting on an angry face saying "Okay which on of you dummies hurt my Lydia." He obviously saw the boys get scared as Carlos jumped into Jays arms he then saw Mal rolled her eyes saying  "Let me guess My dumb sister sent you here." That actually did pissed BJ off but that when the Evie jumped in saying "Mal..." BJ rolled his eyes saying "No she didn't she doesn't even know I am here. I am honestly she might yell at me for doing this." He then looks at her saying "So do you just enjoy hurting people that are family." Mal rolled her eyes saying "She isn't family she should have never been brought to the isle. Honestly her goodness is gross and has been rubbing off on all of is."He looks at her saying "Well I see you and Lydia and more alike then you think Mal." She snapped her eyes glowing green "WE ARE NOT ALIKE!" He step toward her saying "YES YOU ARE!! YOU ARE BOTH SO STUBBORN!" He made his eyes glow as well however because he was a demon he had more of a intensity and she looked away as he won and she said "So what if we don't do this our parents would be furious with us." He said "and you don't think I know what having shitty parents is Mal. Hate to break it to you my mom is a demon, she literally was the reason I ended it, she kept that she wasn't human so when I woke up I looked like this. She has kept me from seeing the love of my life. I am not her. And you know who showed me that Lydia. Their is a reason why I love that girl and its that she does not give up on anyone even if they are horrible to her. She sees the good in people. Even if it ends up hurting her in the process. She sees good in all of you guys. I don't see it and I think she is making a mistake by doing this but she is so damn stubborn that there is no changing her mind." Lydia was about to enter the room as he started to say those things. She didn't know what to do. She knew he was being honest because he never lie to her and well he never lie when talking about her. That when she heard a whisper in her ear "What are you doing?" She jumped and she saw Ben. She giggles saying "BJ is in their trying to intimate shhh I want to hear their response. I was supposed to drag him out by now but he said some really interesting things." BJ stood there as they all looked at him confused and he rolled his eyes saying "I am going to leave it at that...night guys." With that he teleported out of the room and he saw Lydia was outside the door listening. She heard Evie whisper "She right...we all know she right." Mal scoffed saying "You know what would happened if we don't pull this off." Lydia sighed gently saying "There is so much pressure on them. Especially Mal." She felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned around seeing BJ. She looks at him saying "BeeJ what if we can't pull this off? What if we can't convince them to  be good?" he cupped her cheek saying "Then we will find a way to beat the villains." She leans into his touch mumbling "I love you BeeJ." He smiled and said "and I love you." He kissed her head gently saying "We are going to convince them." She looks at him saying "But you said..." he sighed saying "Lydia, I saw the look in there they are conflicted. They really just need at pushed in the right direction." Ben then jumped in saying "Oh by the way I have you three rows back with BJ and your family. I hope that okay?" She nods saying "yeah that is fine..." He nods saying "You should get back to your dorm." She nods saying "yeah night Ben." She kissed BJ and said "Night my monster. I'll call you tomorrow." He nods saying "Night Lydia." She went to  her dorm and fell asleep.  

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