Chapter 2.

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They pulled out and the door opened and she see Carlos and Jay tumbling out of the limbo fighting "Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" Jay then respond "Cause you want it!" Then Carlos said "No! Give it to me! Ow! Let go!" Lydia was enjoying this very much as Mal, Evie and her got out of the limo Mal saying "Guys, guys, guys! We have an audience." Jay and Carlos looked up Lydia saying "aww you shouldn't have said anything it was funny..." Jay the said "Just cleaning up. Get up." Then a person that was in a blue dress and Shaw came up and said "Leave it like you found it! And by that, I mean just leave it."
They put the things away and Jay smirked seeing a girl saying "Hello, foxy. The name's Jay." Lydia rolled her eyes as Jay did remind her a lot of BeeJ. She then broke out of her thought when the person in the blue dress started taking "Welcome to Auradon prep. I'm fairy godmother, headmistress."
Mal then jumped "The fairy godmother? As in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo"? She nodded saying "Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it." This made Lydia cringe mumbling "great..." she wasn't trying to be sarcastic however this was the person wand her bio mom wanted them to steal. She was broken from her thoughts again as Mal said "Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile."  Fairy Godmother then said "Oh."
Mal continues "And that sparkling wand."
Fairy Godmother then said "That was a long time ago. And as I always say, "don't focus on the past or You'll miss the future."' That when she assumed was her cousin Ben. Yeah kinda awkward daughter of a villain and cousin of a the soon to be king "It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben." Then a weird perky girl jumped in saying "Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king." Evie perks up and said "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess." Lydia chuckled causing Ben to look at he giving a friendly smile she looked at him confused. Did he know who she was??? I mean why wouldn't he. He was the one to bring them here. That is when the weird perky girl said "The evil queen has no royal status here and neither do you. Ben then said "This is Audrey." Audrey then corrected Ben "Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo?" She literally gagged when she called him that mumbling "gross." She looked at her viciously and Ben interfered before any drama could happen. This caused Mal to chuckled holding out her fist and she bumped it. That when  Fairy Godmother cut in saying "Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews." Ben then took charge saying "It is so, so, so good to finally
Me..." Jay punched him in the chest "meet you all." He started shaking Mal hand and they stopped looking in each other eyes. Lydia obviously took notice he then shook her hand continuing "This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history... " he the licked his hand saying "Is that chocolate? As the day our two peoples began to heal." Then Mal jumped in sarcastically "Or the day that you showed five peoples where the bathrooms are." Lydia giggles at Mal's response and Ben then looked at her saying "A little bit over the top?"
Mal smirked saying "A little more than a little bit."
Ben chuckled saying "Well, so much for my first impression." Audrey jumps in again talking to Mal "Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping..." Lydia was glad she wasn't her target at the moment even thought she could totally take the bitch (lol) she didn't want to get in trouble on the first day back off the isle. Mal put on a fake smile saying  "Beauty! Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening." Lydia got a little nervous and Audrey said  "Water under the bridge." Mal smirking saying "Totes!" And they laughed and then when they stop it got awkward thank god/Satan Ben was there to cut into the awkwardness saying "Okay! So, how about a tour? Yeah? Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king." Ben clapped his hand and it morphed into the beast Carlos jumping into Jays arm making Lydia laughed really hard Ben saying "Carlos, It's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." Carlos Glared a Lydia and she said "sorry it was funny..." Mal then jumped in saying "Does he shed much?"'Ben the responded "Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." as Jay puts him down pushing him away. Mal then question "So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon? Like wands and things like that? Ben nodded saying "Yeah, it exists of course, but It's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals." Mal looked at him saying "Who happened to be kings and queens." Audrey jumped in again Lydia was getting annoyed with her "That's true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." Ben then got a boys attention "Doug. Doug, come down. This is Doug. He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms. I'll see you later, okay? And If there is anything you need, feel free to.." Audrey jumped in saying "Asked Doug." He looked at her saying "Lydia can we have a word???" The boys mocked her and she said "be careful boys yeah i maybe been weak on the isle but I'm certain I could take you if I wanted to..." she heard Ben laughed and they walked away and she smirked saying "so you are my cousin???" He laughed saying "yes Lydia I am..." she looked at him saying "your girlfriend annoying why are you with her???" At that time she heard a voice saying "you certainly sound like you would be Emily's daughter." She looked up to see the king and what must be the Queen she crossed her arms saying "Oh great it the person that broke the deal with my dad." King Adam looked at Lydia saying "Lydia...I was not the'one that sent the order to send you to the isle. Someone must have found out and they definitely forge my signature. I have no idea who did it still don't we been looking for the year you been trapped there. But because my signature was forged there was no way to over rule or unless I found the person that did it...We knew you didn't belong there." Lydia sighed gently saying "what about the other kids do you know the abuse I seen some of them take..." Ben sighed saying "that is why I'm getting them off the isle away from there parents..." she ran her fingers through her hair and sighed gently saying Ben saying "Lydia...this is your choice but we are having a class for the others do you want to be apart of it???" She nodded saying "yeah obviously it would be suspicious if I didn't take it..." Ben nodded saying "okay..." King Adam then said "Lydia we are looking for the person don't think we aren't..." she nodded saying "it's fine...I'm back anyways you don't need to..." Ben then said "okay I'll show you to your room..." she nodded as they walked to the dorm Lydia pulled Ben into a private room and gave him the run down of what was going on. He was shocked but also he knew they had a choose they were free she looked at him saying "I am trusting you no tell anyone about this. I will keep you updated and what they are doing but you can not let on about what is going on with anyone..." he looked at her saying "wait you are planning on stopping it..." she nodded saying"I mean yeah obviously this world is my home not the isle but they can't know that..." he nodded saying "yes between you and I..." she nodded saying "good..." she then walked with him to her dorm she had her own dorm obviously but it was right next to Evie and her sister's.

The strange and usual girl Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now