Chapter 1.

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(A/N:Lydia's hair)
Lydia winced in pain as her mother just stopped beating her luckily her clothes covered up the bruises that were left that is when her mother well bio mother Lydia called her mother but she felt like she didn't deserve it as she was a horrible mother to her told her to come as they are calling a meeting with all her sister friends. Well they were her friends but she honestly didn't belong there Mal was really protective over even though she was a year older then her and her friends didn't really really messed with her actually they would beat up if people try to hurt her. She followed and saw her sister and friends. Mal greeted her mom and talked Mal walking up to her saying "hey girlie..." she looked at her sister saying "sup..." at that time maleficent said "Oh! There's news! I buried the lede. You five have been chosen to go to a different school... In Auradon." Carlos, Jay, & Evie tried to run away, but Maleficent's minions stops then. Everyone was protesting and Mal said something to her mom Lydia's heart fluttered as she could finally go home Maleficent said "Oh, you're thinking small, pumpkin. It's all about world domination...Mal..." they followed her and Maleficent sat down and began filing her head nails what she said next made Lydia lose hope saying "You will go. You will find fairy godmother and you will bring back the magic wand. Easy peasy." Lydia bit her lip she didn't want to be a part of this at all. They asked what they would get out of this and Lydia literally bit back from being snarky because she was getting nothing out of this. They had a conversation and Lydia walked over sitting down on the couch leaning back and crossing her arms over. Her bio mom walked over to her saying "Lydia..." she smiled saying "yes mother..." she looked at her saying "don't let me down Raven..." she got up saying "you know I won't..." the tension between them was thick. Mal could sense the tension well everyone in the room could sense the tension but they were still talking to their parents and her bio mom got annoyed with everyone because they were saying they couldn't leave turning away and she heard her bio mom say "What is wrong with you all? People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this island. For 20 years, they have robbed us from our revenge... revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men. Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie! Jafar then said "I will..." Her bio mother continues "Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that escaped your clutches." Cruella saying "Oh, but they didn't get baby. They didn't get the... They didn't get the baby!" Then her mother said "And I, Maleficent...The evilest of them all, I will finally have my revenge on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince. Villains!" They talked and the Evil Queen gave Evie her magic mirror and Mal got her mother's spell book. At that time the limo pulled up and and they walked away Lydia notice Mal looking up and she looked up seeing her bio mother giving them the I'm watching you looked. Lydia nodded and got into the limo. Mal following suite Lydia was kinda zoning out trying to think of a way to get out of this maybe she could called Betelgeuse he always helped her before. She then sighed quietly as she didn't want BJ to know about this. He thought she was innocent what would he think about her if he found out her bio mom was evil. Would he think she is evil as well. She then saw Evie hand coming at her with Blush saying "please don't touch me with that..." she pouted saying "your worse then Mal you are even paler." Lydia smirked saying "yeah and I worked hard to maintain my paleness." That when everyone freaked out about it being a trapped until the barrier opened up. Mal then asked if a certain button opened it and the driver said "no..." and held it up a gold remote..." Lydia giggles thinking it was funny and she looked at them and they were all looking at her confuse saying "What it was funny..." Jay looked at her saying "yeah but you never laughed I never even heard you remotely chuckled." She rolled her eyes and Evie looked at her saying "Wait you lived out there right??? What was it like." Lydia looked at her saying "well I didn't live in Auradon so I can't tell you about that but it's a lot better then the isle. My favorite thing to do with my mama was to go out and take pictures. She was quite the photographer and she taught me..." Lydia smiled at the memory of her dead mom and she then realized she called Emily mom saying "I'm sorry. I mean Emily. My father's first wife I'm accustomed to call her mama..." Evie smile saying "no it's fine...she sounds lovely..." Lydia nodded saying "yeah she was..." She bit her lip saying "um...yeah I probably shouldn't say anything else I don't want to upset you guys..." she pushed he blondest black hair behind her ear nervously and Evie smiled saying "no no it's fine we know you had a really good family before the isle...if you want to talk about her you one is stopping you..." she smiled saying "yeah...maybe I'll take you up on that offer someday..." she looks out the window as they pulled up to the kingdom.

The strange and usual girl Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now