Chapter 9.

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Lydia woke up the next morning and she went downstairs and got herself some breakfast her family was their eating so she went to sit with them saying "hi." Delia gave her a big hug and she giggles hugging her stepmom back. Charles looked at her saying "About what you said yesterday about the VKs." She rolled her eyes saying "BJ and I have it under control dad." He nodded Barbara jumped in saying "Did Ben tell you that your going to be setting  with us?" She nodded saying "yeah he did." Lydia's looked up and saw her sister and her friends and she smiled at them reassuringly. That she was okay." Delia looked up saying "Why don't you friends come to join us??" Lydia shrugged saying "I don't know...let me see." She got up and said "hey and Dad would like to see if you want to join us for breakfast??" Mal looked at her saying "hey about yesterday." Lydia pulled her sister into a hug saying "Mal it's fine...I know their is a lot of pressure." She nods gently saying "Yeah...and your right?" She looked at her saying "we can talk about it later okay come join me and my family you were busy with Ben so you didn't get to meet them yesterday." She nods and she walked over and said "well they agreed." Lydia then said "Mal you didn't get a chance to meet my dad and Delia...Delia my stepmom. And guys this is Adam and Barbara they are kinda my second parents." Adam laughed saying "she used to call us your ghost parents." And Lydia looked back saying "Oh well you guys where ghost." Mal looked at her saying "excuse me." She laughed saying "oh right you probably don't understand well Adam and Barbara where the previous owners of the house dad, Delia and I move in. They kinda died in the house." She laughed and Jay said "they are alive not how???" Lydia laughed saying "oh yeah...that because daddy and Delia kinda marry them it's a ghost thing." The looked at her and she said "I haven't really told them the whole story with BJ yet. I'm don't want to freak them out." They nodded and Adam jumped in saying "So what do you guy do for fun." Evie smirked saying "well actually Mal is dating Ben. And I love making clothes." Lydia smiled saying "Evie is so good. She used to make clothes for all of us on the isle." She looked at her saying "Speaking of which I am making Mals Dressed for the coronation how about I make you and BJ something I mean since you to are together." Adam and Barbara raised there eyebow and Lydia blushed gently saying "we will talk about that later." Charles said "So when did you and BJ become a thing?" Evie smirked saying "yeah I need all the details." Lydia rolled her eyes saying "We kinda had our first kissed after everything went down and I went to get some space." Everyone nodded and she said "oh right I am actually going to be seated with my dad and Delia for the coronation which is about three rows back." Mal nodded saying "oh cool...we have some girl power then." Lydia nods saying yeah. When they were done with breakfast her family went their separate ways and Evie said "Ugh your family is so great." She smiled saying "Yeah...They really are...I wished that I was able to get that when dad brought Delia in as my life coach I kinda wished I kinda opened up more." She ran her fingers through her hair and Evie then said "Lydia have an ton of Ideas for outfits for you and BJ for coronation." She laughed saying "making clothing for me is on thing. BJ is probably not going to like it." BJ then appeared and said "Like what?" That when Carlos and Jay got scared and Carlos yelled "Can you stop doing that? He did that last night." Lydia laughed saying "oh yeah I know...I kinda have a confession. I was listening I was going to go in and pull him out because I did asked him not to go in." Lydia kissed him saying "hey..." He smiled saying "hey babes." and kissed her back saying "You get used to me just appearing soon." Lydia laughed saying "He just likes to scare people so he not going to tell you when he going to appear." Mal looked at him and said "Funny." Evie jumping in saying "Well I am making Mal a dressed for coronation and I was planning on making on for Lydia as well was wondering if I could make something for you to match." He looked at Lydia and said "yeah that doesn't sound too. bad." Evie nodded and got excited and walked away. They all went to Class except for Lydia as she didn't have any classes at the moment. She heard the girls talking and Audrey said "No wonder she was sent to the isle she in love with a demon." She sighed gently shaking it off and Lydia and notice BJ and she said Loudly so she could hear "Hey it's okay besides she probably just jealous that she would never find anyone to love her that not for royal status." BJ laughed and she gasped in shocked and walked away. He looked at her saying "Don't you have class???" She shook her head saying "No not really...I don't have classes til later." he smirked and said "well good..." He pulled her closed and kissed her gently saying "maybe we can have some of our on fun." She giggles wrapping her arms around his neck saying "Sounds good to me." They kissed gently and well they ended up at her dorm. Later they were cuddling. BJ was rubbing her shoulder gently saying "That was great..." She smiled saying "Yeah that was great..." She kissed him on the lips saying "Hey what you said yesterday. Was really sweet." he smiled saying "I meant every word bug." She giggles and kissed him gently on the lips saying "You know I would absolutely can wait to see what evie makes for you going to be. However I prefer you like this." she giggles and kissed him saying "Well unfortunately I have to get to my classes." He groans gently saying "Can you skip?" She looks at him saying "Unfortunately no as I have the goodness 101 class. And the Vks would question if I don't show up." he laughed and said "fine fine." He kissed her pushing his hip against hers. She moaned and she pulled away saying "I really need to get dressed." he laughed saying "ew gross." She laughed and she got up and got dressed. She looks in the mirror looking at him saying "Great you gave me a hickey." She begins to covered it up with makeup. He laughed saying "I thing I did a good job." She laughed and said "I don't need people asking weird question." She finished getting dressed she was wearing a long sleeved shirt and she put a spider webbed read and back poncho on. And BJ smirked saying "that looks good on you." She giggles saying "well I have to go." She grabs her books and she walks out into classed saying "hey guys." They looked at him confused and she rolled her eyes saying "What?" Mal said "Why are you smiling?" She rolled her eyes saying "can't I just be happy." Jay looked at her saying "yeah but you...ow Evie." She laughed and sat down opening her notebook. Mal smirked saying "So how BJ." Lydia smirked saying "He good...we just spent time together before this class." Mal eyed her and Evie gasped shock saying "Why are you wearing make up on your neck." She rolled her eyes and was glade that fairy godmother came in." Later that day Evie was measuring her saying "I have such ideas. Maybe red." She smiled saying "yeah BJ thinks I looked good in red." Evie said "yeah I was going to do back but then I saw you in the poncho and I loved the color on you." Lydia smiled saying "yeah thanks." The boys then came in and said "So Lydia." She looks at them said "Who told you??" They laughed saying "We had a talk with BJ. He didn't tell us but he got really flustered." Evie looked at her confused saying "Um...yeah BJ and I...we kinda did it." Jay fist pumped saying "I knew it." She laughed saying "Can we keep this between us I rather not have my family find out that." They nods saying "Deal." 

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