Chapter 2

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Sapnaps pov
The games about to end and we are in the lead by one, I look over and see y/n looking at the timer ticking down then looks back at the field. We have 30 seconds left in the 4th half of the game and my nerves start to overwhelm me.
We start a play and the timer ticks down 29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20. The play ends at exactly 20 seconds. The other team got a point, great. We start the last play, I score the winning point, my team members crowd around me and lift me up sitting me on there shoulders, cheering along with the crowd.
After they put me down we go to the locker room to change and get ready to leave, I get out my phone seeing a text from an unknown number 'hey its y/n, congratulations on winning!' Is displayed on my Home Screen before I unlock it opening the text
'Thanks,I will be out in a few, I'm going to change first, don't go no where!' I type out and send. I turn off my phone and start to change out of my uniform. Clay walks up to me "dude are you taking the bus back? I wanna know what happened with the cute girl ,"
"There name is y/n not cute girl . Anyways the only thing I got from her is that coach y/l/n is her dad and her number so," I turn and zip my bag
     "oh you got y/n's number, great job man," he pats my shoulder and walks away.
         Coach walk in "anyone who's taking the bus come with me, the rest of you find your parents and make sure you don't stick around to long so you don't get locked in for the night," he says quickly then turns and starts walking out, Clay and almost all the other players leave with him.
I get the last few things out of my locker and walk over to where y/n was at half time, looking up at the bleachers almost everyone is gone, most of them are band parents and stuff that normally stay behind and wait the extra 20 minutes for there kids. I walk up to y/n and she looks up at me.
Y/n's POV
Nick walks up to me, if I'm being honest he's really cute, and it mad me nervous being around him "hey, what are your plans this weekend, I was hoping maybe you wanted to hang out or something?" He smiles as he asks
       "oh, I don't really have any plans to be honest, I normally sit at home all weekend and play Minecraft or something," I try to avoid eye contact with him.
My mom walks up "hey I'm going to go start helping the band, you go to your normal spot and I will pick you up soon," she says quickly before turning and walking over to the band trucks. I nervously turn and grab Nicks wrist, pulling him behind me
"Where are we going?" He asks with a laugh as we walk around the corner of the field, my mom always stops by here before we leave so she has me sit and wait there so she knows where I am.
       "Don't ask that question," I shake my head and stop pulling him. We walk up to the spot and I turn to him "ok, now we can talk," I lean against the fence.
"Well, umm, how old are you?" Nick asks politely, I look at him "I'm 17 and in my second to last year of high school," I say it with a smile.
       His eyes light up "I'm 18 and in my last year of high school," he giggles
       "hey just because your a year higher than me doesn't mean your smarter than me!" I push Him a little as a joke
      "hey!" He does the same back making me laugh.
I ask him a question, "ok, other than football and being with friends what do you like to do?"
     He stops to think for a moment, "I don't ever really do things alone, I'm normally hanging out with my friends all day, mostly Clay, we have known each other sense like 1st grade so we are pretty close friends,"
       I nod "So your complete opposite of me, I'm at home or at a practice. I normally listen to music and draw, sometimes I even learn new songs my guitar. Like I said I don't have friends so my days are pretty boring," I say with a smile.
        He giggles again "really, so we are complete opposites," he says with a big smile.
          "Yep," I nod
"Well trust me your days of sitting at home doing nothing are over, let's hang out tomorrow, it doesn't matter what we do I just want to hang out," his words shock me.
       I feel my face get a little hot, "sure, sounds like fun," I say and look down at the ground
We talk for a while until my mom walks up "alright let's go, we have to get home so I can make dinner for your father," she makes me jump "ok. Sorry Nick, I gotta go, see you tomorrow," I wave at him as I walk away.
Nicks pov
Y/n walks away getting into her moms car, they drive off, I walk to my car and get in, throwing my bag in the back. I drive home in silence. I get home, park my car and walk inside. "Hey how was the game?" My mom asks as I walk through the door.
"It was good, I scored the winning point," I say as I take off my shoes "I'm gonna go shower," I say then walk up the stairs.
          "Ok, I'm going to bed, I have to get up early to leave for that business trip," she says and I hear her bedroom door shut. I walk into my bedroom and grab some clothes then head off to shower.
My phone goes off, it's y/n. The text reads 'yo, I'm bored, can you call rn, we can chat for a while' the text makes me happy 'let me shower really quick and then I will call, also can you give me your discord, we can play mc or something' I send it and wait for a response I see them typing then it sends 'ok, go shower nimrod, call me ASAP. I will find something to do while I wait' I giggle at her calling me a nimrod, she's the nimrod. I turn off my phone and get into the shower.
Y/n's POV
I look over our texts as I turn on my pc to give him my discord, ' y/u/n, there's my discord nimrod,' I hit send. I turn and grab my acoustic guitar and just mess around making up little songs and just keeping myself busy while I wait for Nick to call me. I go online and look for a song that I could learn, I stumble across a song called 'Your New Boyfriend,' by Wilber soot. I look through the words and strum along when I can.
I look up the actual song and listen to it, "life isn't quiet what I thought I'd be, when I was a kid on VOIP. I thought when I got older, I'd marry her I told her but now I'm 26 and I work in an office," I continue to listen to the song and get a feel for the speed of the song, the British man was pretty funny and I really like his voice.
I start to work on learning the cords when suddenly my phone starts to buzz. I pick it up and see a FaceTime call from Nick, I answer and sit my phone against my monitor "hey nimrod," I say with a smile when his screen shows up to his phone also up against his monitor. He has on a black hoodie and I can tell his hair is still wet.
"No, your the nimrod," he looks into his camera and says back.
      "Ok one sec let me put this back," I point at my guitar and turn my chair.
       "oh, you should play something later, you don't have to right now. By the way I sent you a friend request on discord," his voice rings out as I put my guitar back on its stand.
       I turn to my computer screen and see 1 notification on the friends button in my discord "sweet, I'm going to call you through discord then." I grab my headset and put it on and he does the same before hanging up.
I accept his friend request and quickly hit the call button, the call connects "ok, what are we going to play?" He says as the call connects.
    "Minecraft is fine with me," I scoot my chair in and pull my swivel mic stand down so it's under my chin and out of my way.  
      "Ya sure, let's play some Minecraft!" He exclaims
We get on Minecraft and make a new world just for the two of use, build a small hut to stay in and start to get resources. I sneak up behind his character and it hit before turning and running "hey, get back here, payback," he wines into his mic making me giggle, with the wood I have left I make a small nurd-poll and he follows till he runs out of blocks, I get high enough so he can't hit me and crouch standing over the edge of the block
Nicks pov
"Hey that's not fair you had more blocks," I jump and try to hit her but she's up to high for me to reach I look in my inventory and have no blocks left. "Oh come on, get down here," I grab my axe and start to chop the wood she placed.
      "No, no, Nick stop no nick," she begs until her character falls and takes fall damage, I punch her then throw the wood at her.
"Ow," she says dramatically and starts to tare down the side of the tower, I do the same.
     "Well, you hit m first so," I say into my mic. We continue to play until Clay dms me on discord 'who you playin with??' Shows up at the bottom of my screen. 'Not any of your concern,' I send in response then go back into Minecraft.
'Oh I see, your playing with y/n then, I knew it,' he sends I roll my eyes "I'm going afk for a minute, Clay won't stop dm'ing me," I say into my mic and open discord again
      "ok," y/n sounds like she's starting to get tired.
'Dude I told you it's none of your business,' I send in response to him, y/n giggles "why are you typing so aggressively?" I can hear her smile.
      "oh, Clays just pissing me off a little, sorry," I try not to blow up
        "Your fine, I was just curious is all," she giggles into her mic.
   Clay answers me 'ok sorry, chill out, I was joking!' I look at the text and calm down a little 'whatever man, I gtg, ttyl,' I type out quickly and open Minecraft again. "Ok I'm back, sorry about that," I laugh nervously.
       she giggles "your fine, let's play Minecraft for a while before I have to go to sleep," she says with excitement.
      "Ok, ok Minecraft time," I giggle and we play Minecraft.

When I'm without you (y/n x Sapnap)Where stories live. Discover now