Chapter 7

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Nicks pov
     I wake up what feels like seconds later, I sit up and check the time. 3:30 PM, I SLEPT THROUGH THE WHOLE SCHOOL DAY. I see a few texts pop up at the bottom of my screen.
      Dream: bro, why you not here, your always at school, you rarely take a school day off because of being sick, don't tell me y/n died or something. Or did she just get you sick? Answer me the second you see this
    I quickly type out a response, 'sorry man, I didn't sleep last night, then fell asleep at like 6 this morning and literally just woke up. Idk what happened but I hope y/n's ok. I'm fine just slept all day is all,' and send it
    I see another notification from Snapchat, I open snap and see y/n had snapped me.
      There's a long paragraph from her
  Nick, I'm so so so so sorry for the random thing that happened last night, I can explain! I started to feel faint and I felt horrible from the inside out within seconds. I panicked, thank god my mom came to check on me though, I had fainted but luckily was on my bed. Idk what it was but I'm at the hospital and am doing better now. There running tests, I can promise you I will be fine but once again I'm so sorry! I feel really bad. Sleep well nimrod, see you soon
    There's a picture underneath of her bright smile and a thumbs up, her hair is braided in two braids and she's dressed in a hospital gown. I can see the IV in her hand and the Identification bracket around her wrist. Her face is a little flushed and her eyes a little red but she seems happy.
    I send a responses 'damn, I was starting to get scared. It's alright things happen, I'm just glad your doing ok. Can I come visit you? Or are they bugging the crap out of you all day?' And send it in response.
    It doesn't take long for her to respond 'OFC GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE,' pops up and I laugh. 'Ok let me get ready, be there soon!' And get out of bed quickly.
        I dress nice and put her favorite me hoodie with my phone and keys before I change, brush my teeth, fix my hair and put on deodorant. I throw on socks and shoes, grab the hoodie along with my phone wallet and keys, and get into my car.
     The drive to the hospital is full of suspense, I pull into the parking garage and park before going into the building. "How can I help you sir," the lady at the desk asks me add I walk up to the desk "I'm here for y/n y/l/n," I say with a slight smile. She hands me a slip of paper and I fill it out quickly, she hands me and sticker "this goes on your shirt so we can identify if your a patient or visitor, make sure you have it on in case of emergency, thank you," then hands me a small paper with a room number in it and the patient name

        Y/l/n y/n
      *insert your dob here*
     Room 703

         I go to the elevator and go to floor 7, walking the halls I finally find her room, I take a deep breath. A nurse walks out and nods leaving the door open allowing me to walk in. I see y/n sitting in a hospital bed looking up at the tv, laying back against a few pillows on her bed. the lights dim in the room.
      I walk up and gently grab her hand, it's shaking slightly, she looks down then back up at me "Nick!" She says with a smile and leans forward and hugs me the best she can from her bed.
       I hug her back gently "hey, I told you I would be here," I hand her the hoodie and she smiles.   
  "Thanks. I literally couldn't stop thinking about you, all night. I'm really sorry about all this, it's stressful for all of us," she shakes her head and scrunch's her eyebrows
     "No it's fine, things happen! I get it ok, your perfectly fine,"
         we chat for a while, "so how did you sleep last night Nick, I hope you weren't to worried," she says genially.
       "Oh, umm, I didn't sleep all night, I couldn't stop wondering if you where ok, I was worried but eventually fell asleep, I ended up missing school today because I slept the whole time,"
    Her face drops "aww, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you up, did you at least sleep well though?" She asks in return. "I slept pretty well, I was exhausted when I fell asleep. I didn't even release I stayed up all night till my alarm went off, it was pretty funny," I say with a giggle
   Y/n's POV
  He giggles with his words, seeing him smile makes me happy, and just being around him is enlightening  beyond the humane extent. My head aches and my hands and arms shake still, they have been scene I got here. I lean back against my pillow and see my mom walk through the door.
     "Ahhhh yes, thank you mom, your the best," I say as she hands me some Ice water. "Oh hey Mrs y/l/n, y/n wanted me to visit, sorry about not letting you know, it was last minute," He looks at her and smiles
   Nicks pov
  "Oh it's no problem, I find it cute you worry about her so much, visit as much as you please Nick," she says and I can make out a faint smile as she relaxes into her seat. "Ya, it was all so sudden I was really worried about her, lucky me I got a nice explanation," I look at y/n and back to her mom
        I walk over and sit in the seat next to y/n's mom and scoot it closer to y/n's bed, y/n rolls onto her side and takes a breath of relief, I put my hand up on the bed and she lays her hand on top of mine. She gets comfy hugging the hoodie close to her and falls asleep almost instantly.
     I smile and scoot even closer to her bed, laying my head down next to my arm for a while, I see a flash and just know it's y/m/n taking pictures for us. I giggle slightly and lift my head. Y/n's fingers wrap around my hand and I feel her shaking, I pull out my phone and take a picture of y/n laying on the bed holing my hand, then send it to Clay along with a messy text
    'She's alright, there running tests to make sure nothings wrong but overall she's feeling better. She had fainted for no reason and they where all confused so took her to the ER and now we are here so'
      Minutes later he responds. 'Oh no, tell her I said I hope everything is ok, I wish you two best of luck. Also that's adorable man, your really lucky!' I shake my head and type with one hand
     'I know, it feels good knowing she ok! I couldn't think straight all night,' and turn my phone off and put it back in my pocket. Y/n's mom stands up and starts walking out of the room "I will leave you two alone for a while," and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.
     About 45 minutes later y/n stirs awake, she weakly squeezes my hand and lifts it off the bed, she lifts it to her lips and gently kisses my hand twice then lays it back down on the bed. I smile and rub her hand with my thumb.
      A nurse walks in and flips on the lights "alright  y/n how you feeling?" She says as she walks over to the bed.
        Y/n rolls on her back "good, I got a little power nap so I'm less tired," she says as the nurse does a few things to check on her. "That's good, I see you have a visitor," the lady glares at me slightly and looks back down at y/n's hand.
      "Still shaking, can you squeeze my hand," the lady says and holds out two fingers. Y/n try's to squeeze her hand but I can tell it's super weak like what she did to my hand earlier. The lady writes down something on her clipboard and sits it back on the bed.
      "Alright I'll let you sleep now, you should hopefully stop shaking here soon, how's the headache?" The lady asks y/n. "Not any better, the Tylenol hasn't helped," y/n shakes her head and takes drink of her water.
      Soon after the lady leaves, dimming the lights again, y/n puts her water down and rolls to face me again, "I crave cuddles," she says with a sad look on her face.
         We make eye contact "as soon as you get out of here, I promise, we will go have a cuddle and chill day, we can stream, anything you want,"
     I can't help but smile at the sight of her eyes lighting up and the smile on her face goes ear to ear. "Ok now I want out of here now," she says with a cute giggle, she holds my hand again, hers still shaking as it was before, I watch as her IV drips into the small pipe and flows into her hand.
     She points at the seat beside me "can you hand me my phone?" She asks with a little pled in her voice.
        "Of course I can," I say and hand it to her. She smiles and unlocks her phone, she takes a picture of something and seconds later I get a notification from Twitter. I smile and unlock my phone
          A picture of our hands together pops up on her feed, 'Nick came to visit me! Feeling better now, let's hope I get out of here soon!' I smile and replay 'can confirm, am here,' with a picture of our hands again.
       Instantly my fans start to put our ship name in the comments and we both giggle. I notice a comment that really sticks out
      'Oh god, hope everything is well! Can we get a story time stream when y/n gets better?' I smile "someone says they hope everything goes well, and asked for a story time stream, if your up for it," I giggle and get ready to respond to there comment
      "Of corse I will do a story time stream, probably not a long one because I will probably be tired but one long enough to talk about it a little and all that," she smiles and lifts her hand off mine to text something.
        I do the same to respond to the comment 'she says of course but it won't be a long one like last time, but she still wants to let you all know!' And hit the respond button.
        Some time passes and both me and y/n start to get tired, y/n looks at me with tired eyes and pulls one of her pillows out from under her head, placing it agents her stomach and hugging it tightly along with the hoodie. I move the hair out of her face with a smile, she giggles and closes her eyes, then slowly relaxes making it clear she instantly fell into a deep sleep.
    Her mom walks in, "the doctors will have the lab results by morning, if you want you can stay to keep her company, I have to go home unfortunately." She says and grabs her things, "go ahead and get onto the hospital bed, I can tell you want to," she says with a smile and walks out of the room.
     I stand up and walk to the other side of the bed, carefully climb in, fiddling with the blanket as to not wake y/n And lay down on my side. I carefully take the pillow out of her light grasp and wrap my arms around her, she moves around a little and gently leans back against me.
     I gently wedge my arm under her side a little, her arm quickly comes up and she interlocks our fingers, I scoot closer and snuggle up into her, she does the same to me. Eventually I drift off into a light sleep.

When I'm without you (y/n x Sapnap)Where stories live. Discover now