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A/N: Hi, so this is my first story and I apologize for any bad writing English isn't my first language. I'll try to update as often as possible. Let me know how you find itl. 

Y/n POV:

And they lived happily ever after. A sentence i stopped believing in years ago. The real world doesn't work that way and I had to learn that the hard way. All that those fairy tales did, was tell us lies and make us find comfort in their illusions. Even tho I don't believe in that crap anymore, I think deep down I'm still desperately wishing for my happy ending to come around. 

Whatever, I gave up hope anyways. I'm just trying to get through the day at this point.

I can't help the small smirk appearing on my stir face as I leaned over the dead body. The man now laying cold in front of me, just seconds after begging for mercy. It's always the same. Men are to easy to trick. I wiped the warm blood off my hands as I made my way out of the apartment.

It was late at night and I got hungry so on my way back I stopped to get a cheeseburger. Ever since I escaped Hydra I was on the run so I changed locations regularly, every now and then excepting a job to get some money. I usually didn't plan ahead so that's how far I've gotten and I'll see where it leads me. 

As I opened the door of my apartment I could sense the presence of somebody, so within a second I aimed my gun, ready to shoot whoever broke into my apartment. Why do these unwanted visitors always gotta come at the most inconvenient times when I just want to go to bed? 

I slowly walked into the kitchen where I was met with a rather tall man in his mid 40s , casually sitting at the kitchen table. I didn't let my gun down, starring him right into his soul. Mostly when I stare at people this intensely, they get uncomfortable really quickly and look away first. It's a little power game I like to play. But this strange man didn't seem to be looking away anytime soon. Instead he motioned his hand towards a chair by the table, signalizing me to sit and started talking in a calm voice.

"Y/n Y/ln, you are needed by S.H.I.E.L.D"

I was still aiming my gun at his head. My piercing, blue eyes starring right into his brown ones. He realized that he won't get far like that so he sighed and looked away.

"I'm Director Fury and I want to recruit you."

I hesitated a second before I grabbed the chair and slowly sit down. I put my gun down still ready to shoot if needed. 

"How did you find me?"

I spoke in a cold voice, not wanting to show my interest in his, kind of, offer. He looked at me with a facial expression similar to a small smile. My eyes scanned every inch of his body trying to find something, anything alarming.

"Thomas Baker. I must admit you're a hard person to find but we have a lot of resources"

My eyes widened a little by the mention of the name but only for a millisecond. Not long enough for him to notice. He was a victim of mine, I murdered 2 weeks ago. Actually unimportant. Just another job but the fact that it revealed my location meant that I have been sloppy, which cannot happen.

"Why do you want to recruit me?" I asked in a calm voice, sinking a little more into my chair. I was pretty tired and actually I was really looking forward to eat my cheeseburger, which now is probably cold.

"We need you to take down Hydra and you're the best in your field. Plus you have some personal experience that could be beneficial."

A cool shiver traveled down my back, causing my neck hair to stand up as he mentioned Hydra. I wanted to reject his offer but the thought of revenge made the blood run faster through my veins. I want to hear every single neck of their people crack and simply the thought of it tasted sweet. I thought for a minute before I answered.


"Ok, just like that?"

"Watch your mouth before I decide otherwise." I snapped at him

"A car will collect you tomorrow at 8am. Pack your backs and everything else will be handled. Glad we came to an arrangement."                                                                                                                          He stood, up holding out his hand for me to shake but I already grabbed my back and pulled out my cheeseburger. He scoffed a little at the sight and left the apartment leaving me alone.

I liked the thought of taking down Hydra even tho I gotta admit it also scares me a little. This place is living hell and for no price in the world would I go back. I'm usually pretty good with pain and trauma that one good thing I learned in the red room but this is nothing in comparison.

I shook my head trying to stop myself from overthinking about my past and got up. I sighed and opened my closet, dragging out a bag to put some clothes in. I looked at the open back on the ground  for a moment, before I decided to leave it and pack tomorrow morning. I slipped out of my clothes and went to bed. I almost fell asleep immediately, haunted by the same nightmares that reoccur every night.  

Shit. I forgot to turn on my alarm. I looked at the clock 7.55am. I dragged myself out of bed and put on some clothes while I threw the rest of my pitiful amount of stuff into the back on the floor. Since I didn't have the time to take a shower, I just put my curly, brown hair up in a bun. It didn't hold well tho cause my hair isn't very long.

On my way out I grabbed myself a toast and threw on my leather jacket. As I stepped outside I'm met with a very impatient looking guy in a car right in front of the door. I got in and hadn't even closed the door yet, when the guy already started driving.

"So where are we going anyways?" I asked, trying my best to start a conversation. The driver didn't seem to be a talkative guy tho.

"Avengers Tower" is all he said and for the rest of the 30min drive we sat in silence. I took the time to clean my gun and knives in the backseat since I didn't have the time to do so yesterday, which obviously made him uncomfortable. I found it more amusing tho. Seeing his worried eyes looking at me every five seconds through the little mirror. He was obviously only the guy to drive.

He was visibly relieved when we arrived and he could leave. I walked into the huge hall, where I encounter Director Fury who lead me into a conference room to meet a bunch of people. 

My blue eyes jumped across the room taking in every little detail of the people inside. That's where I saw it. My heart dropped and I could feel a cold wave washing over me as I catch sight of the all to familiar red hair. 


Natasha POV:

We all gathered together to meet a new recruit. We haven't been given any information about this new person but I kinda hoped it's a girl. It would be nice to have another girl around other than me or Wanda.

I was talking to Steve when Fury opened the door and walked in with a smaller girl right behind him. I didn't get a clear glance at her but from all I could see she had brown, curly hair. She stepped forward in a confident appearance and I froze. I stared right into these familiar, blue eyes I thought I would never see again.

I was in shook and so was she. I heard her say my name somewhere in the distance and it took some time before I could find my voice.


Always and Foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن