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Natasha POV:

It felt like someone was cutting my breath off. This wasn't real. It couldn't be. Y/n is dead, right? The Red room killed her. That's what madame B told me herself. 

I could feel her familiar, intense starring and this first feeling of confusion and happiness to see her, quickly turned into raging guilt. I could feel this wave of guilt built up in my chest, slowly creeping up, invading my whole body and mind. I left her.

"You two know each other?" Bruce pointed out the obvious. By now the entirety of the room was watching us and I could feel the questions drill into me.

"Yes, you could say that." 

God how I missed the sweet tone of her voice. It changed tho. What used to be soft and innocent now only came of as cold and bitter. Of course. She grew up. I haven't seen her in like 10 years.

"How are you alive? I thought you were dead."

I was still trying to process it all. I wanted to run into her arms and hug her. I wanted to smell her hair and feel her safe and sound in my arms but something deep down held me back.

Y/n POV:

Why would she think I was dead? I wanted to be happy to see her again and hold her close in my embrace but deep down I was angry. She promised to come back for me and she never did. I spent years waiting, slowly losing hope, all while she was having a great life out here without me. I told myself over and over again that she must be dead. That thought weirdly comforted me, because it was better than the bitter truth that she just didn't care enough about me to come back.

"Well obviously you were wrong. I'm pretty much alive"

I tried to sound as confident and calm as possible not wanting anybody to know how I really feel about this whole situation. I got pretty uncomfortable since the whole room was watching us not daring to move while Natasha and I seemed to be having a starring contest.

I took in a deep breath, looked away and put on a sweet smile.

"Can we get to business now? I don't have time all day."

That was a lie. I didn't have any other plans for today but I really wanted to get out of this situation and collect my thoughts.

The room started moving again and we all sat down at the conference table. I sat opposite of Natasha minding her gaze but I could feel her green eyes on me. Next to me sat a nice looking red head and while Fury was talking she turned to me and said: "Hi, I'm Wanda" I smiled at her and wanted to reply but Fury already gave us the dead stare and I swear if looks could kill, we'd be dead now. We both tried not to laugh and focused back on what he was saying.

I tried my best to listen but my mind was constantly thinking about Natasha. I looked at her and took in every little detail of her perfect gaze. She didn't really change much. Her perfect red hair and green, soft eyes still made me feel safe. She must be 28 now. The last time I saw her she was just this 18 year old, scared but confident girl who promised to never leave my side. I was 16 at the time when they separated us and I haven't heard from her since.

Director Fury finished his boring speech and left. Everyone started chatting and introduced themselves to me and before I knew it I was caught up in conversations. I couldn't concentrate and I constantly felt myself drifting of. I was pretty overwhelmed with the whole situation and out of habit I caught myself looking around for Natasha's eyes to calm me down but she was already gone.

 I usually didn't need help. I wasn't always this fragile. That's not like me. I come around by myself really well but ever since hydra something changed. It's like this little scared deer inside me, which was dead for a long time, awoke again.

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