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Y/n POV:

I starred in shock at the screen. I was looking directly into my own face. It was my file from my time at Hydra. I shouldn't be surprised, I mean of course they have a file of me somewhere but actually seeing it made me feel sick to my stomach. But that wasn't the most disturbing part yet, because next to my file there were ten more all crossed out. I recognized some of the faces but some were completely knew.

I don't know where they are now but given the bright, red crosses on each file I'm pretty sure they are dead and my face was the only one without a cross.

"Oh..." I let out a shaky breath, "I knew her" I said, pointing on the girl's file next to mine.

Natasha gave me a pitiful look and wanted to say something but we were interrupted by a loud banging sound. I swung around, raising my gun ready to shoot whoever came in. A dozen guards came running down the hall and I instinctively grabbed Natasha's hand. 

"I only need a few more seconds" she told me and I pulled out my USB stick and started fighting to clear her back.

Natasha POV:

They are going after her. That was my first thought when I saw the files.

I didn't like the thought of her fighting of all those guards on her own but the data still needed some time for the transfer and she's strong, she can easily handle it but still. There's this side in me that doesn't like the thought of her being in danger.

"How much longer?" She asked while holding a knife to a man's throat. 

"It's almost done" come on, come on.

"Take your time" she laughed. I hate it when she makes jokes at inappropriate times like this but she's always done it and I don't think it's gonna change anytime soon.

The second the transfer was finished I took the stick out and helped her fight of the guards and after two minutes we were all clear, so we went into the main hall where the others were already there.

"You got everything?" Tony asked us and I simply nodded in response but Y/n seemed to be a bit of.

"I see you brought back my best soldier!" 

I turned around and looked into the eyes of an old man maybe in his 50s. It took me a second before I realized what he meant by that and I turned to Y/n, who was in shock and for the first time in ages I saw something in her eyes I thought was impossible to find. Fear.

"I see you still do the work" He creepily smiled, approaching her and motioned to all the dead bodies on the floor. 

Her fear quickly turned into nothing but raging anger and I wanted to stop her before she did something stupid but it was already to late.

"F*ck you!" she stormed towards him and grabbed him by his head, now obviously angry, and held a knife to his throat but he remained completely calm.

"Y/n stop it!" Tony tried to stop her, "We need him alive"

"Don't tell me when to stop" She snapped, tightening her grip, which caused the man in her arms to start laughing while choking on air.

"What did you do to them?" Y/n asked surprisingly calm but he still laughed not giving her an answer.

"Y/n stop it now" Tony tried again but she simply ignored him.

I didn't know what to do. I get why she's upset but it could ruin the mission. Now I could see her boiling with rage and her eyes started to fill with tears.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM, TELL ME!" she screamed, tears running down her face by now.

"Y/n, always so persistent. I see you kept your temper" 

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