T w e l v e

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Natasha POV:

I came back and walked into the living room to see Carol on top of Y/n, kissing her.

I was in shock and upset. I knew this was gonna happen. I just couldn't believe Y/n would do that. She promised that nothing would happen.

I quickly turned around and walked out of the room as I could feel the tears already creeping into my eyes. I was angry and disappointed.

Y/n POV:

I was in shock. What was Carol thinking?

"What the fuck are you doing?" I said upset as I pulled myself up.

I didn't even await her answer as I ran behind Natasha, hoping to catch her.

"Nat, wait!" I yelled behind her as I followed her through the  corridor.

"Natasha, please!" she didn't answer even tho she clearly heard me.

"Natasha it isn't what it looks like"
I tried again.

"It isn't? Well, I think I know what I saw and that's enough" now she turned around, obviously angry and I didn't blame her.

She started storming away but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Nat, please let me explain-" I tried talking to her but it was no use.

"No Y/n. I know what I saw. You promised me nothing would happen but I guess I should have known better" I could hear the hurt in her voice and I hated myself for making her feel that way. "Damnit Y/n, I fucking trusted you! And then you go around kissing Carol!"

"Nat please... I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. Please forgive me and I promise it will never happen again." My voice cracked. I didn't wanna lose her over a stupid mistake like this.

"Obviously you didn't change at all. God why was I so naive to believe you did! Name me one good reason why I should trust you after this?" she gave me an angry and hurt look and I could see the tears in her eyes, what broke me.

"Because I love you!" I was surprised at my own words but they left my mouth before I could even think about it.

But it was true. I do love her. More than anything and for no prize in the world I'd give that up.

"Oh shut up! Save it for Carol. We're over!" And with these words she walked away, leaving me standing there.

I didn't have the strength to go after her. I was like paralyzed staring at the spot where she just stood, feeling the tears falling from my eyes. I couldn't believe what just happened.

After I picked myself up I went back to the living room to a confused looking Carol.

"Carol, what the hell!" I yelled at her, "you know I have a girlfriend! Why would you do that!" by now I couldn't yell anymore. I just sat down on the couch covering my face with my hands.

"Look Y/n I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. Is there anything I can do?" she asked softly and sat down next to me.

"Now it's to late anyways." I sighed. "I'm going for a walk I need to get my head straight"

I got up and walked away.

Natasha POV:

I fell on my bed, now crying as I couldn't hold the tears in any longer.

Why would she do that? I couldn't believe it.

At that moment I felt so bad. Maybe I reacted a little to impulsive. I was angry and I still am but I don't wanna lose her.

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