Chapter 4: Backstory (Part 1)

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This chapter contain the backstory of BoBoiBoy when he ran from his kingdom.


"Huh, they will never understand me". A young BoBoiBoy sitting on his bed wearing elegant clothes in his extremely spacious bedroom pouted. The room has large windows covered with thick silky curtains. BoBoiBoy was angrily tapping his foots on the extremely soft red carpeted floor. He thought about various ways to get free from this royal life and ended up making a decision, "That's it! I will ran away". He mumbled.

He prepared a bag consisting of some food, water, money (yes money!) (read : gold coins), a family picture and his royalty emblem (the pendant mentioned before). He waited until midnight not to mention the time when his mother and other maids occasionally peeped in his room to check out is he asleep or not. At 1 am when he think the coast is clear, he secretly sneaked out of his room. After walking a little further, hiding from the eyes of the occasional guards, he pressed a button hidden on the wall of corridor revealing a secret passage. He escaped from the castle through the dark passage. After successfully getting out from their he gave a sigh and looked at the palace the last time.

"I'll be back don't worry". He said and activated escape pod already ready there. He started the escape pod and the pod take off and leave the planet's atmosphere.

BoBoiBoy was in the pod still thinking about his next step. Suddenly the system showed an error BoBoiBoy quickly searched a nearby planet and found Earth. Having no choice he tried to land on Earth. But after entering the atmosphere the engines gave up and the space pod got crashed and destroyed.

Sarah here!

Spoiler!!! I love spoiling btw 😁😁

The readers who are thinking how there was an escape pod ready there and how BoBoiBoy know about the secret passage, so there was a certain person who convinced BoBoiBoy to ran and promised to help him. He intentionally installed the error on the space pod to crash it and kill the prince.

😆 Enough spoiling now! Apologies for the short chapter. Bye!

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