Warning and explanation

480 10 7

I don't know English

Many swearing

English is not my first or second language

Bad english

Wrong spell or sentence

   Explanation (Characters)

Dream: Psychopath, puppet master, true villain

Sapnap: Friendly, not shy

George: Colorblind man, sometimes mean

Bad: Kindest person

Skeppy: Cocky, energetic

Tommy: Swear many times, b-tch boy (I dont think he is...)

Tubbo: Love bees, present of L'Manberg

Techno: Love fight, blood of blood god(I forgot name....sorry)

Quackity: many swear,  fluctuates between chaotic and lawful

Wilbur: Funny, nice

Nightmare: Opposite of dream, friendly, kind of hero 

Napsap: Opposite of sapnap, shy

O.George: Opposite of George, mean, anger issues.

Good: Opposite of bad, cocky, learning about life and death

Jef: Kindest person (So it's like bad and skeppy swap version)

Timmy: Opposite of tommy, never swear, nice

O.Tubbo: Opposite of tubbo, hate bees, but still present of L'Manberg

O.Techno: Opposite of techno, can not fight, soft

O.Quackity: Opposite of quackity, nice, swear but not so much

O.Wilbur:  Opposite of wilbur, nice, little funny. 

In this story Wilbur is not insane.

And Good or nightmare is good person.

Dream's red eyes id one of his powers.

Nightwind: psychopath, sometimes mean,  many swear

↑This is me and friend with tommy, wilbur, quackity and dream.

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I hope enjoy this!

Idk why am i add myself but in pixiv yes so yes....yes....

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