Chapter 1

416 8 4

 One day

Nightmare: What?!

O.George: Come here~

Good: You can't ran away from us~

Nightmare: *Run away*

Nightmare found a potel in the forest

Nightmare: What is thi-

Good: Finally! I-

George: Wait for me! 

Napnap: Wait guys~!


Dream: Come here George~!

George: NO!

Sapnap: Run! Run! Run run!

Bad: I'm making-

Four: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dream: What

Nightmare: Where are we?

O.George: What the f-ck am I?!

Good: I think we are same-

Good almost say "World" but they see people like them.

Sapnap: Who are they...?

Bad: I don't know... But they look like us.

Sapnap: Well I'm sapnap.

Bad: I'm BadBoyHalo but you can call me bad for short!

George: I'm george.

Dream: Can you get out...?

Nightmare: Oh sorry.

Dream: It's okay. I'm dream. Who are you?

Nightmare: I'm nightmare!

O.George: George.

Napsap: Napsap...

Good: GoodBoyHalo but you can call me good for short!

All: Nice to meet you.

Dream: *thinking*

???1: What the f-ck?!


???1: ....f-ck, f-ck, f-ck.

Good: Wait that voice...

???2: Where am I?! And Good and...

???3: Why are we here?!

???1: Well I'm tommy. I'm awesome and cool man.

???2: I'm timmy!

???3: I'm tubbo.

???4: Tommy! Wait! 

Tommy: You are late man.

???4: I need...I need to.....

Dream: Well

???4: I'm tubbo. Nice to meet you.

George: But why....what's going on here?

???5: Welcome to original world!

Nightmare: Who are you?

???5: I'm wind and I'm a b-tch girl.

Bad and Timmy: LANGUAGE!

Tommy: Oh hey wind!

Wind: Okay so they are your original and opposite.

Dream: Oh so nightmare is my opposite.

Wind: Yes! And Enjoy! Bye!

Good: Wait what...Ah F-ck!

All(Original): Wow....he just swear...

Good: What? Why are you suprise?

Dream: Because bad never swear.

Bad: Swear is bad thing.

Tommy: Well Swear is f-cking bad thing?


All(Opposite): Wow Tommy just swear!

Timmy: I-I just swear...

Tommy: Oh so you're my opposite.

Timmy: Yes! Nice to meet you!

Tommy: You're like my tubbo.

Tubbo: ?

O.Tubbo: Yeah....And your timmy is like me.

Tubbo: Well yeah.

Techno: Why are you guys so-

Dream: They are our opposite.

Techno: Really?

Dream: yeah.

O.Techno: Hi. I think I'm his opposite.

Dream: You look nice.

Techno: ....what the-

Wilbur: Hey guys.

Original: Hey Wilbur.

Wilbur: What are you doing?

Bad: Meet our opposite.

Wilbur: Wow.

O.Wilbur: Hi.

Wilbur: Hello me?

O.Wilbur: *nod*

Quackity: What the f-ck?! Why are everyone is here?!

O.Quackity: We are telephote by someone.

Quackity: I think it's Wind.

Tommy: Hey Big Q. What's up?

Quackity: Nothing. Just everyone is here so yeah.

Tubbo: But your opposite is nice.

Quackity: Wait am I always nice right?

Tommy: ....No?

Quackity: Really?

Tubbo: Yeah

Dream: So....let's go our home.

Sapnap: Stay here until you find out.

Nightmare: Thank you.

Dream: Wow I am really soft.

George: Yeah.

O.George: But he is bad at everything.

Dream: Yeah but you are bad at manhunt in our world.

Sapnap: it's because your IQ is so high.

George: Your IQ is like 10000!

Dream: Because I am genius.

Nightmare: Can you teach me?!

Dream: Of course.

George: Don't make~

Napsap: Hahaha

So bye! I hope you enjoy this!

Now I'm gonna watch-

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