CH35: Why did you kill him?!

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*Warning: People's death. Blood.(This is very sad.) Enjoy :)

Dream: He is my new puppet :)

Tommy: Ranboo? are you f-cking manipulating him?!

Dream: I'm not. He is in ender walking now.

Tommy: ...I WILL-

Tommy run to dream and try to kill him, but ranboo protect him.

Everyone shocked.

Dream: Now kill them.

Tommy: ! 

Dream: It's fine. ....Hmm...Oh yes. Kill techno!

Techno: What?

Dream: Wilbur, is this good idea?

Wilbur: Hmm....I think he should kill tubbo.

Dream: Oh about that, it's not fun. They gonna die all after this.

Wilbur: Oh~. Okay, I see.

Nightmare: ...

Dream: Ohhh Little puppet get angry~.

Wilbur: How cute is that?

Nightmare: HOW DARE YOU!

Ranboo walk to techno.

Techno: I never dies.

Dream: You will see.

Dream watch from the sky.

Wilbur: When can i push this?

Dream: ....When i said yes.

Wilbur: I wanna blew up now.

Dream: Just watch it.

Techno: ....

Ranboo put out sword.

Techno: Technoblade never dies.

Ranboo cute techno's arm.

Techno: ....

Phil: Techno!

Techno smile.

Techno: I guess...this is the last.

Phil: What?! What do you mean?!

Techno: ....I don't know but be careful....that sword is weird.

Phil: ....

Technoblade slay by Ranboo.

Everyone gasp.

Philza walk to ranboo.

Phil: WHY?! Why did you kill him?!

Ranboo didn't answer.

Dream: Show time :)

Dream walk to ranboo.

Dream: One down. My game is still PLAYING.

Ranboo run to tubbo.


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