CH22. You-You revived?

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Phil: So he didn't-

Tommy: alive again.

George: !

Wilbur: So how's everyone doing?

Tubbo: Great...

Wilbur: Good.

Tommy: Do you really think?!

Wilbur: What? Yes.

Everyone saw wilbur.

Nightmare: You...You are wilbur...our opposite.

Wilbur: Oh so they are the opposite of us.

Good: Y-Yes.

Wilbur: Hey don't be scared.

O.George: He is insane.

Wilbur: I'm not insane...opposite george.

Napsap hide behind sapnap.

Sapnap: Are you okay?

Napsap: N-No.

Wilbur: I love your opposite.

Napsap: I-I don't like you.

???: So how are you feeling partner?

Wilbur: Oh dream! My hero! My partner!

Tommy: What? Where are you?!

Dream: I'm not here.

Wilbur: Where are you man?

Dream: I will send.

Wilbur: Okay!

Nightmare: He just say Dream is HERO?!

Wilbur: Why are you shouting? He is MY HERO! My f-cking HERO!

Wilbur say loud and smile.

Wilbur: He save my life from hell and there!

Tommy: Where?

Wilbur: Train! Void!

Good: Where is ghostbur.

Wilbur: He is in void....train.

Timmy: What do that mean?

Wilbur: Its means he is alone.

O.Tubbo: So?

Wilbur: He was crying! Oh My god.

He starts laugh.

Everyone think he is insane and alive again.

Jef: Is he....

Quackity: He is f-cking evil.

Dream: Wilbur?

Wilbur: Yeah?

Dream: Do you want talk with them?

Wilbur: Hmm

Tommy: We don't HAVE anything to you!

Wilbur: Can you come here?

Dream telephote to wilbur.

Tommy: ....

Tommy put out sword.

Dream look at them.

Dream: And you know...

Sapnap: What?

Dream: I'm just toying with you. And that's-That's-that's-That's the fun in it!

George: ! What do you mean?

Dream: Play with you, control you is fun! 

Sapnap: Manipulating us is FUN?! ARE YOU INSANE?!

Dream: I'm not insane.

Wilbur: Someday...When we are ready

Dream: The world...This server is going to down and destroy by us.

O.Tubbo: We are NOT.

O.Wilbur: World is not going to down.

Dream and Wilbur: *Laugh*

Good: Why are you laughing?

O.George: You will lose.

Dream: See you next time.

Dream and Wilbur disappear.

Jef: This is bad.

Quackity: Wilbur is f-cking revived by dream...

O.Techno: Hey...This is a letter to you ranboo.

O.Techno hand over a piece of paper.

Sapnap: It's just a smile.

Ranboo see it.

Ranboo: !

His face is afraid and he disappear suddenly.

O.Quackity: What was that?

Sapnap: .....Why is he-

Bad: F-First...Let's go home.

Jef: Yeah I wanna eat muffins.

Bad: Me too!

Ranboo:⎅⍜⍜⋔⟒⎅ ⏃⍀⟒ ⏁⊑⍜⌇⟒ ⍙⊑⍜ ⏁⍀⊬ ⏁⍜ ⍀⎍⋏, ⎎⍜⍀ ⟟⏁ ⏃⌰⍙⏃⊬⌇ ☊⏃⏁☊⊑⟒⌇ ⎍⌿ ⟒⎐⟒⋏⏁⎍⏃⌰⌰⊬ :)

Sapnap: What?

Jef: Do you understand?

Good: NO.

Everyone said no.

Bad: What do it mean? Is he okay?

Phil: He is okay.

"Doomed are those who try to run for it always catches up eventually :)"

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