CH36: END?

36 2 0

Tubbo: NO! RANBOO!

Ranboo stop running.

Dream: ? Kill him now. Or I will kill him.

Tommy: You're NOT.

Tommy shoot arrow at dream.

Dream: Oh~. 

Dream catch arrow and throw away.

George appear behind dream and cut his back.

Dream: ....

But he didn't cut.

Dream: You should know something...

George: What?

Dream: You can't KILL GOD.

Ranboo: T-.....o?

Tubbo: Ranboo?

Dream: What-Kill him!

Ranboo: Please-Kill me....I-please-

Tubbo: I-I can't! I don't want you to die!

Ranboo: I'm-I'm sorry-

Tubbo: Hey I'm fine.

Ranboo: .....-------

Ranboo whisper something.

Tubbo smile.

Ranboo slay by Tubbo.

Tubbo slay by Ranboo.

Tommy: NO!

He run to their body.

Dream: ...Game is going wrong way.....

O.George: You should know something.

Dream: What?

O.George: Maybe we can't kill you, But YOU can NOT kill Friendship.

Dream: Oh really?

Napsap: Y-Yeah!

Wilbur: What are we gonna do now?

Dream: END or alive?

Wilbur: Yeah.

Dream: ...

Dream put out cards.

Dream: what number?

Wilbur: 2 and 6.

Dream: ....

Card number is-

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