CH2. Dream and Nightmare

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Dream and Nightmare go to dream's room.

Nightmare: Wow. I love your room dream!

Dream: Thank you.

Then dream stopped suddenly and say 

Dream: Lucid! My opposite is here!

Nightmare surprise because after dream said that, a person appear 

???: What do you want?

Dream: Teach him how to get in and get out that room.

???: Okay. Hey What's your name?

Nightmare: I'm nightmare!

???: I'm lucid. 

After lucid teach how get in and get out to nightmare they go to "that room"

Dream: Oh you're here.

Nightmare: Wow. Where are we?

Dream: It's hard to explain but you will meet people.

Dream: He is nightmare. He is my opposite.

Nightmare: Nice to meet you!

Lucid: I'm lucid or dremon. 

???: DreamXD. Nice to meet you.

Dream: They are my AU.

Nightmare: Wow! Cool!

Dream: Thank you but don't tell anyone.

Nightmare: I promise!

Dream: Great. Well...tell me about your universe.

Nightmare: Okay! In my universe it's call "Nightmare SMP" 

Dream: Nightmare SMP....

Nightmare: Yes and present is tubbo...

Dream: Also our present is tubbo.

Nightmare: Wow! And L'Manberg is really peaceful!

Dream: Really?! That's good!

Nightmare: Yeah! Me, George and Napsap call "Nightmare team" but now Good join our team!

Dream: Me,  George and Sapnap call "Dream team" but Bad join now.

Nightmare: We play together and have so fun but...

Dream: What's wrong?

Nightmare: Napsap is bad at play and I'm bad at everything so....

Dream: That's okay. You will learn from mistake. 

Nightmare: Yeah! Thank you dream.

Dream: Your welcome.

Nightmare: Someday we are like friend....I wish.

Dream: Yeah.

They talk about their universe and have so much fun.

Dream: If you sad or whatever happen you can come here. Okay?

Nightmare: Okay!

Dream: What time is it?

DreamXD: 5:00 am.

Dream: Okay Bye guys!

DreamXD and Lucid: Bye

Nightmare: Bye!

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