CH23. Real or-?

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* Three chapter's main is ranboo boys or girls. I hope you enjoy this. I'll more four or three for Ranboo!

Ranboo sit in the corner.

In his hand there's a book.

It said "DO NOT READ".

His breath is so weak....

More more weaker...

Ranboo: How did he-Why did he- I- I need to talk with him.

Ranboo stand up and looks around.

Dream: I know everything.

Ranboo shocked and look around. And he saw dream.

Ranboo: What -How -Why are you here?!

Dream: You know why and how.

Ranboo: I -I don't know!

Ranboo sit down.

Ranboo: Why ARE YOU HERE?!

He shout and close his eyes.

When he open his eyes again, dream is gone already.

But he found paper.

You know everything. I know everything :) 

His face is afraid...

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