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Everyone fight with dream.

But he didn't get any hurt.

Dream laughing.

Dream: What's wrong guys? Are you sick or something?

George: DREAM! YOU-


O.Quackity: How can you so heartless!

Dream: You are always POWERLESS to ME! To GOD!

Wilbur: Dream!

Wilbur call him from the sky.

Dream: Wilbur. What was the answer?

Wilbur: Well...about that it was-

Sapnap stub dream.

Dream look at sapnap.

Dream: ....hahaha, you are weak to kill me.

Sapnap: What do you mean-

Sapnap slay by Dream.

George, Bad, Karl, Quackity: Sapnap!!!!! NO!!!!!!

They shout.

Dream: Four down.

Wilbur: ....

Dream: One more down, then this will be end.

George walk to dream.

Tommy: Gogy?

Bad: What are you doing?

O.George: Stop! You can't go!

George smile at everyone.

O.George starts cry.

O.George: Do you think about others?! You idiot!

George: Bye...everyone.

Dream: You wanna die?

George: If you are going to kill them....then kill me first.

Dream: As you wish. Bye george.

Georgenotfound slay by Dream.

Everyone starts cry.

Dream teleport to Wilbur soot.

Wilbur: ...Are you ready?

Dream: Don't kill people.

Wilbur: Whatever.

Nightmare: Stop-

Dream and Wilbur: It was never meant to be.

They push the bottom and tnt blew up.

They starts laugh.

Dream and Wilbur: My server!/ My nation!

Two: It's over! There's NO person to build again!

Nightmare: How could you-

Dream and Wilbur: Bye.

Dream left the game.

Wilbur soot left the game.

Some of members are alive from that.

Some of members are die from that.

Opposite members are faint and after wake up again, it was their universe.

They worry about their original.

People try to find wilbur and dream.

But they can't find them.

But, but one paper.

" It's your server now. Dream SMP is another place. From now, it's your server.
                                                                                                        -Dream and Wilbur soot :)     "

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