Could i be pregnant ?

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A lot of time passed since that night and I really don't felt good. Of course it was getting hard to hide our relationship. It was very stressful and I may became some real feelings for Joel I think because of this I vomited so often idk.

I had another work night with the band for our new single. And there it was this feeling my stomach feels like there was a tsunami in it and I had to run to the toilets. Tommi recognised that I does that every day kinda at the same time for a while. Because he has a nurse job he had a guess so he  said that I should go to the gynaecologist. In that moment I didn't recognised that I could be pregnant I forget about the accident at the esc because it's long time ago. I asked Tommy why I should go to the doctor. He took my arm and went with me in the kitchen. Shyly said he that I might be pregnant. I started laughing and deny it because I haven't had my days for a while but I recently had a little bleeding. I wasn't really worried, I had switched from the pill to the IUD and found that to be normal. I did not find the nausea questionable because of my migraines. He first asked If I am keeping it from him because I didn't drunk alcohol and some other bad stuff for pregnant woman's. He didn't know that I had a competition with Niko about who can get longer along with just water. As I explain it he only said that I should make at least a test for safety. I didn't had time to answer because Joonas came in the kitchen at the same time Tommi left the kitchen. Joonas took some fish from the fridge and I had to run again to the bathroom. I quickly became insecure. What if I am really pregnant. I didn't want to believe it. I never thought about having children and I absolutely never thought about having a child with Joel. I couldn't imagine him or me with a child. I mean what should I do. I was so tired because it was almost three am. I've decided to relax first and try to sleep so that I could get enough energy to think about that tomorrow.

I hope you like the idea that y/n and Joel might become parents. The chapter is  longer than the other ones I hope that's ok.

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