Chapter 1

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"Mr. Mendes!" I am snapped out of my thoughts as a voice screams. I sigh and look at my teacher.

"Yes?" I reply in a monotone voice. I zone out again as I think about my life: monotonous. Everyday is the same moping around wishing she was here. The same begging voice of my mother asking me to get over it. But I can't. I-

"To the principle's office!" I am brought back to reality as my teacher, Ms Williams, points to the door. I sigh and grab my back pack.

The same trips to the principles office.

Once I get there, I walk into the principles office. My principle, Mrs. Smith looks up and sighs.

"How am I not surprised?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders and take a seat. "What did you do this time?"

"I zoned out." I reply with no emotion.

"Listen Shawn, I know this is hard for you but you need to get over her. You need help." Anger slowly builds up inside of me.

"I don't need help! You have no right to tell me what to do! You don't understand what I'm going through." I shout and then storm out of the room.

However, Mrs. Smith follows after me and stops me.

"I only want to help you. At least make a friend. " She says.

"I don't want you're h-" I start but then was interrupted by a door opening. A girl walks in with long blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Oh good you're here! Shawn this is Samantha. She is a new student and you're going to show her around!" Mrs. Smith says cheerfully.

"No." I say and glare at our principle.

"I wasn't asking you to. Now hurry up or I'll give you detention." Mrs. Smith shoots back.

"Fine, come on." I turn to the door and walk into the hallway, Samantha following behind. Once we are in the hallway I turn to her and can't help but notice how much she looks like her. The same long blond hair, reaching her hips. The same grey-blue eyes. The same height. She shifts from one foot to the other, uncomfortably and I realize I was staring at her. I look away quickly and I feel my face heat up. "Uh, hand me your schedule."

She reaches into her maroon backpack and pulls out a small piece of paper. I look at it and realize she has the exact same schedule as me. Great.

"Come on we have the same classes." I tell her and head to our 2nd period class. I figured we should head there since our first class is about to end.

"Shawn?" I hear a small voice, belonging to Samantha.

"Yeah?" I turn to face her. She is almost two heads smaller than me.

"Can you show me where my locker is first?"

I nod, a bit annoyed. "What number is it."

"396." She says after checking. I start to walk to where her locker would be. Can this day be any worse? First she comes along with the same schedule as me but our lockers are next to each other. Mine was a couple lockers down, 394. We reach her locker and Samantha unlocks it. She puts some of her books away and we head off to our next class.

Halfway there, the bell rings and students start pouring out of class rooms. Before I can be pushed around, I grab Samantha's hand and drag her to another hallway.

"What are you doing?"

"Shortcut." I answer simply. We finally make it the classroom. Music. My only escape from reality. I finally realize that we're still holding hands and immediately release them. My cheeks blush and I look at the floor. I walk in to the class and immediately take a seat in the back. Of course Samantha sits near me. My favorite teacher takes attendance then explains that we can do whatever because he has to do some work in his office.

I stand up and grab my guitar. I head to a side room we use for practice and lock myself in. I sit down and start strumming random chords. A faint knock on the door interrupts me. What the hell? No one ever talks to me or vice versa. I unlock the door to see Samantha with a sheepish smile on her face.

"What?" I ask.

"Can I come in? I have no one to talk to and I just thought maybe..." She trails off. I nod and open the door wider to let her. I noticed she doesn't talk much.

"Do you play an instrument.?"

"Yeah. Clarinet and piano. I like piano more though." She replies.

"I wanna hear you play the piano."

"Okay. But well have to go outside to the piano." I shake my head and look into one of the cupboards. I find the piano keyboard and pull it out. Once I hook it up, I bring my chair up to it. Samantha sits down and looks at me. "Um, I've never really played in front of anyone before."

"It's okay. Pretend that I'm not even here." She scoots her chair up to the piano and starts pressing the keys. She plays beautifully. I recognize the song, Hallelujah.

First chappie! This is my very first Fanfic so I hope you enjoy! I put a little Harry Potter Easter egg in there. (Reference) comment if you find it! May be hard to find.
Anywhore, please vote and comment! The amazing Shawn Mendes on the side just because. Peace!

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