Chapter 9

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"So, should we practice at our houses?" I ask, looking for the music sheet to Skinny Love. "You know, since it's due on Wednesday.'

"Ya. Thats fine. Mine or yours?" Samantha asks.

"Mine," I say. I just look at her face. Why does she have to look like her? Its almost like she never left. Why was Samantha talking to Lauren and my other friends?

Because she is her own person, Shawn. You don't own her.

"Shawn?" Samantha says, snapping her fingers. I rid those thoughts out of my head and look up at her. "You were zoned out."

"Oh," My cheeks burn.

"I've got the sheet music," She says pointing to the music.

"Okay, let's practice," I grab my guitar. We practice for the remainder of the period. Every once in a while, I look up to see her furrowing her eyebrows, trying to figure how to play a certain measure. I realize that I've been staring at her so I focus my attention to the guitar resting on my lap.

I don't like her. I don't like her. I don't like her.

The bell rings and we pack up. I walk out of the music room, without saying goodbye.

I don't like her.

Maybe Tim Hortons will take my mind off of her.


So after school, I walk to Tim Hortons. Only this time I get a muffin along with my usual.

I walk home, slowly. I finish the rest of my chocolate chip muffin and throw the wrapper in a nearby trash can.

"Hey Shawn," Aaliyah says as I walk inside. I walk into the living room to see Aaliyah sitting on the couch. Only this time a certain blonde was sitting next to her

Oh, uh hey," I say awkwardly, scraping the back of my neck. "What are you doing here?

"Well I came to practice on our duet but you were gone," She says.

"Oh, right. Forgot."

"Don't worry, Shawn. I kept her company." Aaliyah smirked. Suddenly, I got really nervous. What did she tell her?

"Okay. Let's go," I say, running up the stairs. Samantha followed me, keyboard in hand.

I set my stuff down and grabbed my guitar. I have my own here but use the school one at school. We pull our music sheets out of our backpacks and Samantha sets up her keyboard.

We both start playing, trying to figure out the chords. Samantha suddenly looks up and stops playing. It was then I realized that I had been softly singing.

I immediately stop and look down at my lap, avoiding her curious gaze.

"You sing?" I sheepishly nod my head. God, now she knows. Shes going to tell everyone now. I know it.

"Me too," I look up at her to see she had a small smile on her face.


"Ya. I like to sing to myself sometimes," She says, blushing. "You have an amazing voice, Shawn. I'll bet others would want to hear too."

"No, they wouldn't," I shake my head repeatedly. "Only my parents and Aaliyah know. Well you do too and I appreciate it if you not tell anyone."


"No," She looks down but nods. I am not going to sing and let others hear. Mark my words.


Yay I updated. Im trying to update everyday but yesterday i was too tired. Thanks for reading. It would help if you vote and comment! Peace!

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