Chapter 8

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A/N Thank you to @morofabiola2003 for voting on both my stories! ❤


I slowly trudge down the hallways of hell. Also known as 'school'.

I didn't sleep very well last night. I kept thinking about anything and everything.

I pass by a group of giggling girls and roll my eyes. How could someone be so happy on a Monday morning?

I keep walking down the hallway until I see them. My old group of friends. The ones I left.

I catch eyes with Lauren and I snap my head the other direction. I draw out a long sigh and head to class.

Today, during lunch, I saw Samantha. She was finally making friends. The weird thing? They were my old friends.

Why would she hang out with them? Thy were the wild ones while she was the small, shy, new girl. Whatever.


"Okay class, we are going to do something different this week," Mr. Philip clapped his hands together. "We are going to be doing duets!"

The whole class groaned as he explained excitedly.

"And I will choose your partners!" More groans. "Okay, George and Oliver. Cassy and Jon." He goes on.

I wait a while before I hear my name. "Shawn! You are with," He thinks for a while, "Samantha."

Why did I not see this coming? "I think the guitar will go well with the piano," Mr. Philips comments. I ignore every one's stares, including Samantha's.

"Alright, get in your groups," I walk towards Samantha, who is waiting at the piano.

"Lets go in the practice room," I say. She nods and follows me inside. I grab the keyboard and my guitar from the cupboards and her the keyboard.

"Okay, what song should we play?" She asks. We sit there thinking until Samantha suggest one. "Skinny Love by Birdy."

Short chapter but im tired so im going to sleep. thanks again to everyone who has been voting. Please vote and comment Peace!

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