Im pissed

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Ok sorry if you thought this was a chapter. But probably no one is going to read this but I just need to let it out.

Ok so a few months ago, I started a Harry Potter fanfiction ( cause why not??) and this one , I planned it out really good. I thought the plot was awesome and that many would read it. However, like a stupid person, I think "what if I write it all down on a notebook and then put it on wattpad???"

So I did exactly that and got like 3 really long chapters and a prologue in. It was actually really good and I got excited. Then, I said well I need to hide it. ( because no one in my family will every freakin read my fanfiction while I live) I ended up hiding it under my piano keyboard that lay on top of a table. It was all nice and dandy until-of course- WRITERS BLOCK!!.

I didn't write anything for like 2 months until this morning, I thought "well I guess I could write something because I will be a total loner this fall break."

So like ten min ago I go to get my notebook, AND IT FUCKING WASNT THERE!!

I am so pissed because no one ever goes to where my keyboard is. How the hell did it just vanish?

What if my mom found it and is laughing at it or threw it away?

I am so scared and pissed rn I could just die. Maybe next time I will write it all out on wattpad like a freaking normal person and then this wouldn't happen.

RIP the only fanfiction I thought was truly great.


Ps, sorry if u thought this was a chapter. Maybe I should continue this book?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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