Chapter 7

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I rub my eyes as I get up from bed.
I look at my alarm clock to check the time.


As a anti-social teenager, I have no plans on a Saturday. So I just take a shower and get breakfast.

After much debate on wether I should just stay home and listen to music or go out. I decided to chose the latter.

Grabbing my guitar, songbook and phone, I walk out the door. I walk down the street to The Second Best Place ever, Tim Hortons.

It takes me a few minutes to get there. Some people were eyeing me because of the gigantic guitar case on my back. I hate attention but I keep walking.

I hear the familiar chime of the bell when I walk in.

"Hey Shawn, the usual?" The barista says. I nod. I wait at the counter for my drink. Curiously, I look around to see who would be here early on a Saturday morning.

My eyes lock with a familiar blonde headed girl's grey-blue eyes. My heart pounds in my chest and I drum my fingers along the counter, waiting impatiently for my drink. I look away quickly.

"Here you go," The barista hands me my drink. I mumble a quick 'thank you' and fast walk through the door. I avoid Samantha's curious eyes and leave.

I sigh in relief. I really don't want to talk to her. Its not that I don't like her. She's gorgeous- wait no.

Shut up Shawn!

God, now I'm having a conversation with myself. I am absolutely insane.

Yes you are.

I shake my head and walk towards The First Best Place In The World.

Why do I always have to bump into her?

It's fate.

But I don't even like her.

Keep telling yourself that, Shawn.

But, you are me.


I finally reach The Best Place In The World after a few minutes. It's a small pathway leading into the woods. No one ever comes here, so its perfect for me.

I walk down a little pathway, leading to a little clearing. There's an old log, large enough for mr to sit on. I sit down and place my drink near my feet.

I take my guitar out and start playing some chords to with my song. I start singing along too. I belt out the chorus since no one can hear me.

I sit there tapping my pencil against my chin, thinking.

Just like a moth drawn to a flame. Oh, you lured me in, I couldn't sense the pain.

I write that down and smile. Im finally finished. The words are over the place, but I don't care.

"I thought I've been hurt before. But no ones ever left me quite this sore," I sing and play guitar. "Your words cut deeper than a knife. Now I need someone to breath me back to life."

Another one bites the dust. another chappie done guys! im getting excited about this book. Oh god. the pic on the side gives me heart palpitations.

I feel like Shawn's mind is us (the fangirls) speaking to him lol.

Anywhore, the song lyrics are all outta whack but who cares? Fiction.


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