Chapter 2

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I wake up by my annoying alarm. Ugh, can't I just sleep?

Groggily, I get up from my cozy bed. I take a quick shower and throw on an 'Obey' maroon hoody and grey jeans. I lace my shoes on and head downstairs.

"Hi Shawn!" Aaliyah says, bounding down the stairs.

"Leah!" I scream in an overly perky tone.

"Stop calling me that!" She whines. I laugh and tickle her. She squirms around and runs away into the kitchen. She is probably the only thing that makes me happy anymore. Well music does too but mostly her. I don't know what I'd do without her. She-

"Shawnie!" Aaliyah says, snapping her fingers in my face. "You zoned out again."

"Oh sorry," I say. She always says I zone out a lot, which is true.

I grab a piece of toast my mom made and walked out the door, my backpack slung over one shoulder. I continue walking down the street in the direction of hell- I mean school.

I arrive at 'school' and immediately head towards my locker. I push past many annoying teenagers before arriving at locker number 394. Grabbing my 1st period books, Samantha appears next to me.

"Hi." She says shyly. Ignore her and slam my locker shut. Then, I walk to first class. I hear Samantha's converse hitting the tile, running to catch up with me. Can't she just leave me alone?

I quicken my pace but she is next to me. I roll my eyes but keep a steady pace. From the corner of my eye, I catch her confused face.

She looks cute with her eyebrows furrowed together.

Shut up Shawn!

"What's wrong?" She asks me. I stop abruptly and face her.

"Look, just because I showed you around does not mean we're friends. So, can you leave me alone?" I snap.

Her face looks like she just witnessed a puppy dying and I am almost sorry for snapping at her. Key word: almost.

She nods and mumbles ,"Sorry," before looking down. I turn on my heal and the bell rings.


I walk towards the music room, lunch in hand. I always go there during lunch to get away from everyone else.

However my trip towards the music room is delayed when I see Samantha. She is not alone. She is standing in front of the music room with senior boys.

"Hey, how about we have a little fun." One senior days while leaning both arms next to Samantha while she is backed up into the wall.

"Leave me alone," She whimpers. The boys laugh as I clench and unclench fist. they haven't noticed me yet but that is about to change.

"Hey!" I yell, walking towards them. "She said to leave her alone!"

"Oh yeah? Whatcha going to do about it?" One of them says.

"This," I mutter. I punch him squarely in the jaw, hard. He falls to the ground and Samantha has a look of pure shock.

I just grab her arm and pull her into the music room.

Second chapter! hoped u like it. Tell me ur fave part. Mine was Shawn's badassery. ;) Thanks @MsJonasMendes for the vote, means alot! Peace!

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