Chapter 12

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Im a horrible person. It's been over a week since I've said that I'll update but oh we'll I'm very lazy and this week I've been very stressed out. Thanks to @calendash for voting and commenting! Here's the next chapter!

"Hey Anna Banana!" I greet her as I climb into her car. "What's up?"

I frown as I get no reaction. She just sits there, staring at the windshield from the passenger seat.

"Anna?" I get worried. Suddenly, her head snaps in my direction. Then, she speaks without any emotion in her tone.

"You've ruined everything, Shawn. Its all your fault. You're the reason I'm-"

I sit straight up from my bed in an instant. I run my fingers through my hair and notice that I am covered in sweat. My breathing is uneven and it is still dark out.

I clench my eyes shut, forcing my years to not spill.

It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault.

I shake my head to clear it from these thoughts and get up. I can't go to sleep now.

5:06 am.

I decide to take a shower to wash away the sweat. I walk into the hallway, after grabbing some clothes. I try not to wake anyone up and move slowly.

Once I reach the bathroom, I turn on the lights and am blinded from the sudden change in lights.

The sight I see in the mirror is horrible. I have bags under my eyes and my skin is even paler than it already is. I shrug and hop in the shower.


"Hey Shawn," Aaliyah says cautiously, noticing my bad mood. I just give her a half-hearted smile in return and walk into the kitchen.

I grab a small muffin and walk out the front door. I walk down the driveway and turn when I hear a door slam.

Samantha walks out with an apple in hand. She smiles widely and my heart warms. Wait what?

"Hi," She says, walking down the stairs. I give another half-hearted smile and walk down the side walk. I hear backpack hit her back as she jogs to catch up to me.

We walk in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. I see a trash can and toss my muffin wrapper.

"What's your sister like?" Samantha asks out of the blue.


"What's she like?"

"Oh, we'll she loves soccer and strawberries. She sings a little bit, but not too much. She's honestly the best person in the whole world. I love her," I reply honestly. Samantha's eyes brighten and she smiles.

"You really do love her huh?" She smiles even wider.


The whole class packs up as the lunch bell rings. I grab my stuff and head towards the music room. I push past everyone in the crowded hallway after putting my textbooks away in the locker.

I see Samantha leaning against the wall outside of the music room, talking to someone. I get a better view and see she is talking to a boy.

For some reason, my blood boils and I my clench my fist. Taking deep breathes, I calm down and keep walking.

"Hello," Samantha greets me.

I don't say anything and walk into he music room. I grab my guitar from its stand and start walking to the practice room. I feel a small hand grab my arm and see Samantha looking up at me with worried eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asks softly.

"Nothing." I pull away from her touch. I turn away and walk towards the practice room again.

This time, she grabs my hand and I freeze.

"I know something is wrong, Shawn," She says, not giving up.

"Nothing," I rip my hand from hers, as if her hand is poison.

"Why do you do that?" Her voice rises a little bit. "Why is it that you always push me away? One minute you're sweet and caring but the next your pushing me away. I don't know if you've noticed, but I care about you and others do too. Stop running away. I want to be friends. Listen, I have no idea as to what made you this way, but I want to help. I know, deep down, that you want help too. Just let me help you?"

My eyes widen at her sudden outburst but I cross my arms.

"You don't know anything about me and I don't want your help. You don't really care about me. You just pity me because you know I'm broken. You just want to be the girl who changes or fixes me. But in the end, you'll just leave me like how she did." I protest. With that, I finally turn away and walk into the practice room.

Ohhhhhhh we've got some drama llama in this chapter. once again, im sorry for not updating sooner. Today was just so stressful, all i want to do is cry. Anywhore, please vote and comment! Pleace!

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