Chapter 73

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Switches POVS alot.

Chandlers POV
Where was I? All I remeber was hitting my head.... I was surrounded by trees. I was no where, but some where.
Shawns POV
"Guys where the hell is Chandler!?" I asked frantically.
"What do you mean!?" andrea said
"Shes not here!"
"CHANDLER!?" I screamed
"CHANDLER!?" Other people joined in to
The only thing going through my head was did she drown...
No. No Shawn don't think like that, shes okay. She's probably lost. My heart was racing. "Im going to get flashlights and we're looking for her" kian said sternly
He was like her brother... I was scared.
We were looking for her, but she was no where... we were screaming her name.
Chandlers POV
I started walking around, well limping. I hurt my ankle really bad. Where is everyone. I was scared, it was dark...
"Hey... do you need help" a man said
"Please" I asked
"Glad you asked" he said and laughed
Oh shit... he sounds creepy.  "HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs to the point where it hurt.
"CHANDLER!" I heard someone scream back.
The man started coming towards me.
I ran, it hurt so bad but I ran.
"HELP ME!" I just kept screaming.
Shawns POV
"HELP!" I heard some one scream. It wasn't just someone, its was chandler. "CHANDLER!" I screamed back. We started running.
"HELP ME!" She screamed again. We were getting closer. "CHANDLER WHERE ARE YOU!" I screamed so loud
"BY THE WASH ROOM!" She screamed we bolted so freaking fast.
Chandlers POV
"Oh baby, stop screaming" he said
I know that voice, .... guess who. My adoptive father. I slowed down, I was running out of breath. Finally, I just stopped. "How'd you find me?" I asked stepping back.
"Hunny, its easy!" He said
"I thought you were in jail!" I said
"I got out" he said laughing
"You look stunning in your bathing suit" he said
"Nasty ass" I said
He started coming more towards me.
"I FOUND HER" I heard someone yell
"Take one more step towards her, and I will kill you" I heard jack g say.
"Really?" He said
Jack ran to me. I hugged him so tight and cried a little. He gripped me so tightly....
I heard foot steps running towards us.
"Chandler!" I heard shawn yell. I ran into his arms. I saw he was crying, so wasn't I.
Matt and cam went and held him so he would try to escape. We called the police.
I went up to him and just slapped him.
"You son of a bitch!"
"Here" shawn said taking his shirt off and giving it to me. "This creep is eyeing you" he said being protective of me. "Thank you" I said to him.
I love you!
Instagram; lexicaylen_
Twitter; lexicallahan97
If I made a youtube video would you watch it? Nd do I have any haters/ or fans? Bc thats coooool.

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